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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  May 2, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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. sooner or later this kind of support to the american regime will diminish. and might not stop completely but the diminishing is important. this is how demonstrations are important. these are our people. if tensions between america and iran raised -- rise tomorrow are the days after these people have to take to the streets to support iran. >> martha: listen to those words this is working for iran and this is exactly what they are watching and hoping for more of. thank you for joining us for the story at the courthouse in new york. sea you back your -- [ ♪♪ ] [ chanting ]
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[ ♪♪ ] [ bleep ] >> they literally move methodically forward, peeling away all those barriers and the people themselves. [ chanting ] [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] [ bleep ] >> right to protest but not the right to cause chaos. >> neil: yet on and on we gulped police moving on to shut those anti- israel protests down but they keep popping up. ucla and portland state university among the very
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latest. but they likely won't be the last. new image from new york city's crackdown over at columbia. we will talk to the nypd deputy commissioner sheppard who took part in that red. men amount what they discovered. how we are on top of that and this pair former president trump in court for day ten. if he comes out to speak we will take you there are live. welcome everyone i'm neil cavuto happy to have you and wants a busy newsday. keeping track of these protests takes some time. by my math, we at about six everyday and we are up to about more than 40 across the country as we speak. let's get right to it with kristina kucova ning at ucla. it's not as scary right now was still a worry. christina. >> hello neil. yes still a worry indeed people are hoping the protest stops here. it was just chaotic here early this morning and it is still a mess you can see a massive clean up effort underway to clear out
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the debris. tens of thousands of dollars worth of stuff some of it junk i might add with -- here after the encampment was cleared out in the centre of this beautiful university this is what students have been having to deal with peer look at this video from early this morning. the police ordered people to leave and clear out this area. those who fell to do so they let them know they would be arrested. -- failed to do so. some 1500 students still stood outside locking arms and surrounded the parameter of their makeshift encampment. plywood and trash cans whatever they could get their hands on to keep this closed out. but they were not successful. the police moved in, law enforcement came in and said they were putting a stop to this and that's exactly what they did. take a listen... >> 250 officers responded to the campus from our special response team. they came from a multitude of
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different areas, san diego and orange county and los angeles county, riverside county all part of our special response team's. >> yes. it was a major response indeed. some officers launched players and some used flash bang type devices to move out and clear of these protesters. they moved in their operation was successful. there were some scuffles here and there but again dozens of arrests made. listen... >> those were shot to try to disperse, those are not shot at the ground they were shot in the air to try to disperse the crowd >> and those who were shot they're talking about some of the flares they had shot off to try and clear out the area. some of the pro- palestinian protesters tried to hold on as long as they could but again cleared out. more than 200 arrests were made. students again demanding ucla divest from companies that service israel, but again ucla
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not having a. but a stop to it after this encampment had been there for at least a week, just frustrating the students and the community at large in this area. so it is calm now and we're hoping it stays this way. neo spoon absolutely, christina thank you for that. let's go to nate foy, of course a lot of protests going on in new york nothing having to do with the donald trump travel day ten. nate has the latest, nate. >> reporter: hate neil,'s, we have a small group of protesters here outside the courthouse right now as doug douses on the stand a digital expert working for the new york county da office for ten years and he talks about the analysis and extraction of digital data from michael cohen's cell phone specifically, including texts between him and a former trumpet ministration member. after the testimony of the la-based lawyer keith davidson wrapped up during the portion of
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the trial lawyers on both sides presented him with a recorded phone calls of him and cohen during one of those recorded calls. davidson said "if he loses the election speaking about trump, he is going to lose, we lose all leverage. so settled the case. trump's lawyers questioned him about the definition of extortion including his history of doing deals to suppress stories involving celebrities like hold hogan and lindsay lohan. if it's inherent in another phone call speaking of the stormy daniels deal "we know we are lying, we know we are full of it, we know she was never threatened in las vegas. before that, he testified he dealt directly with cohen during negotiations and he testified cohen told him he would pay dangles himself to suppress the story. davidson said cohen appeared suicidal after not getting a position in trumps white house. davidson believed cohen wanted to believe attorney general or white house chief of staff. trumps teen said he wants to
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share several on social this was at the very beginning of the afternoon session but he said he isn't sure if he can because of the gag order. the judge said if there is any doubt trump should steer clear of sharing those articles this is after prosecutors presented from for more examples where they claim trump violated the gag order khaki posted untrue social this afternoon quote these are all crooked joe biden trials, election interference. regarding the gag order neil the da's office right now is not seeking any jail time for the former president because they don't want the trial to be delayed. prosecutors argued his comments they argue violate the gag order threatens the integrity of the trial whereas his lawyers counter that buy say he is running for president and has a right to defend himself publicly. we will send it back to you neil >> neil: thank you for that nate. nate foy at the u.s. new york supreme court. let's get the legal implications
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we learned on day ten it's not quite done as nate indicated. we've got a former deputy assistant attorney general and former federal prosecutor katie you first on first of all the gag order and violating it, every time he does or prosecutors say he does is $1000 a shot. they say the penalty should be higher and more than that. some advocated during an rikers to live show. the letter doesn't seem likely but they added fines certainly. >> that's really the fundamental problem with the gag order, its own constitutional event. there's really no way for trump to know what may be considered a violation of this order because it essentially covers all speech about any potential witness even though the order itself says it only covers toast comments about their participation. the order is unconstitutional for a host of reasons in terms
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of first amendment analysis but the judge clearly disregarded that and in terms of any sanctions that may be imposed at thank logistically speaking, any sort of incarceration would be impractical but certainly i think he will continue to make that threat and he has that authority ultimately have. >> neil: we talk back and forth about this gag order, someone like cohen can continue saying whatever he wants about the guy who is at the centre of this particular trial, it doesn't seem fair. the judge seemed unimpressed with the argument but i would imagine if it ever gets to an appeal if this doesn't go the former presidents weigh it will be an issue to come up with. >> yes neil in fact i thank the judge hearing overreacted and he is out of head -- out of his depth. but he refuses to recognize is he's not a normal criminal defendant he is also the major
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party candidate for the presidency. that is the core of our free-speech rights. to engage in political speech so we can choose our elected representatives. so it's not just he is pressing saying so and who might be potentially intimidating witnesses which he is concerned about, it's about infringing on donald trump's rights outside the courtroom. i still don't see as we discussed before how a judge can say you are prohibited from saying at said the courtroom the very same thanks your lawyers are going to say inside the courtroom which is that cohen is a liar an unreliable witness. no illegality have been he didn't even know about the payments and what they were for. if it's the same thing he is saying in the courtroom there's no real problem with the public knowing what he is saying outside the courtroom. >> i wonder what you make of this argument back-and-forth as to a payment made and whether
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that represents anything unusual. and might be unethical to some but again to cross into felony territory here what you think of that k.? >> there's been no evidence of any crime whatsoever today's day ten what are we up to six or seven witnesses? thirty-four counts of a ridiculous felony indictment and still no evidence of any crime. net the underlying crime that elevated this case to felony, not nothing. today we got the most salacious testimony today from keith davidson who basically is a smart broker here he did that for a living. a negotiated these in the backup for minute let's stop calling this a hush money case let's call it a presuit settlement. that's exactly what it was, nothing to sea here no crime and were ten days and. that's what i feel about that.
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>> i guess where people will draw a distinction is the timing of it ahead of donald trump running for the united states president. that's what they're trying to get it here. whether you can get a quick pro crow with that is criminal in and of itself. >> is very interesting because we don't know for certain what the prosecution theory is as to how this is a felony crime. 's have the falsification of the records of course prosecution has to prove he was doing so to cover up some other thing. would lead the testimony that came out even today cuts both ways because there is discussion about leverage the election provides but then the fact michael cohen seems concerned about disclosing her story after the factor. >> maybe we'll respond to these legalities coming up in the protests around the country and they are increasing at a rapid rate.
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what universities could've done to avoid that. as we get cracking part of that for our next segment were looking at some interesting actually riveting body cam footage on the part of police of columbia university and the fact of the matter is they discovered more than just unruly students. they want all students. [ bleep ] where excellence, comfort, and electricity... are forever in bloom. welcome to beyond. the mercedes-maybach eqs suv.
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we just got our hands on this new video coming from the nypd body cam footage officers preaching columbia university tuesday night. there is more with alexis in new york. >> reporter: hello neil the video was intense but here it's a different seen. gaza solidarity encampment but not a lot of police presence. take a look we have this live picture at the new school in new york there chanting all started must be free and if there is no justice there we'll be no peace. this weak protesters at colleges across the country say they aren't backing down. watch.
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>> we remind everyone we will not rest at, we will not rest, we will not rest until they divest and until the entity falls. >> protesters also threw red paint on the side of this nyu campus building last night. workers had to power wash it off this morning. someone else three red ink on the door of the presidents building the other day. it comes one day after the grading and arresting of students. watch. >> of the hundreds arrested by police, they tell us more than have had no affiliation with the schools. here's another look at the enchantment we expect more protesters to come out later tonight and it does pick up in the nighttime. neil. >> neil: thank you for that and be save yourself.
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part of that team was getting you this riveting video and. could deceive commissioner. let's tell you something interesting, no doubt some what you picked up and saw shows they being outside agitators, how would you know? >> some self identified on social media and we recognize them from the past but also look at the arrest and we see some who participated and protests and some the actions they had displayed before. we are confident some of these outside agitators and influencers were present and will continue to be present at these protests. make no mistake they may not be swept up and then arrest they are professionals and they get a heads up when we go to these schools. they may just leave after a day
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or two. >> they could be coming from way out and could be coming to the protest. >> and they have funding, are all funded by private individuals around the world sometimes -- >> neil: but how do they get the students evolved? do they gun them on or what's the roll? >> it's propaganda, social media. the students are already passionate and upset about an issue and i have a person whispering in your ear we should take over the building or something like that. when young minds are in that state its pretty easily -- easily to sea someone who is a president or amended relation. >> there's a certain thing to this. and this rate are wherever you want to call it. this is a private institution,
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i'm not sure the protocol how you go about that you normally have to get clearance site but how did it all go down to allow for discrete. >> the president or designee has to send us a letter specifically detailing what they want done. that at this point these people are committing a crime and chest passing -- trespassing because we've suspended them. if we don't have that that we don't live in. we went and unless there is emergency or circumstance that we have to go on to the campus we will wait until the landlord says its okay to come on the property. >> neil: with other institutions i'm not sure but it seems one protest pops up on one and then you get it at nyu and on and on. who's to say the same group or other agitators aren't just hopping from one to another? >> we know that is happening and
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this is a reason why the police commissioner had been in contact with the heads of the city colleges and universities. >> has it been helpful? >> yes, it's been responsive. i am not sure about one thing i do know is the dialogue is happening. so we want them to preemptively be ready with a plan and tries much as they can to make sure their campuses are not taken over a. but if they are, nypd stands ready to move and if we receive a letter saying we need help. >> i believe columbia and others might feel the same way commissioner, we could use you guys being around until the middle of the month at least. >> minutes them are requesting that. they always have to look at our resources on a daily basis but what we have asked as they come up with a plan to self sustain however, we will leave them and we don't want them to return to the state it was in. >> what i think about when this
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is going on is its such a distraction and the personality how to have on hand to make this happen if i'm a criminal this is my opportunity to do some bad stuff. >> absently not. where the most adaptable police department in the country and we are ready to keep the rest of the sea save. our transit crime is still going down why we due with these protests. we have about 35,000 sworn officers and everybody will pledge and -- pitching to the city saved. >> how many at komi right now? >> pretty calm it looks like the job that we did the plan is working and it's pretty calm and quiet over there. we have officers there but we're still on communication to make sure if we start to peel back, columbia has a plan to self sustain. >> neil: i do here, we didn't play at all but there are some awful things the protesters say to you guys. i mean really. as a family show here but how do
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you feel about that? >> most people the events in these units these are people with a lot of experience and the line coming up through the ranks and the more experience you get you learn to stay focused on the mission and the task. >> neil: is a tough sometimes when someone says the stuff they say quick. >> in each individual is different, for me not at all unfocused of what we have to do. i don't pay attention to any of that stuff. >> neil: i think maybe you're just tired right now you fed no sleep. >> that's vary true. >> neil: thank you very much commissioner. deputy commissioner to get there dealing with a lot of the big apple and we will take you back down to the new york state supreme court where we could hear from president tripp at any minute as he walks out from the tenth day of the trial. also at the new school new york they're worried about another protest that could be happening. after this
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and want to be campaigning like i was yesterday. there's never been anything like this in the history of our country, never. the poles are good despite that. they're extremely good, the best week we've had. looks like we're doing very well. any questions? i don't know anything about him. he is holding very low. not a serious candidate, he has vary low numbers certainly numbers he is got to get higher before he is credible. the numbers he is taking away they say he will be against ardent but i'm not sure he could be a bit against me.
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my favourite what? is my favourite for vice president? we'll not be making that determination packet we'll be sometime prior to the convention. i'm not allowed to testify i'm under gag order i guess right? we are going to be appealing the gag order. it's vary easy question, the easiest question so far but i'm not allowed to testify. this judge is totally conflicted has meander an unconstitutional gag order no one has ever had the. we don't like it and it's not fair. other people are about to do whatever they want and i'm not allowed as a presidential candidate the one who is leading by lot. i'm not allowed to talk. there's never been abuse like this before.
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this judge should not be having this case. it gives us nothing. it's such a red court. i'm not allowed to testify because of an unconstitutional gag order are appealing -- were appealing let's see what happens. thank you very much. >> alright obviously the former president not the fan of this ongoing trial now into its tenth day. tomorrow we'll be day number 11. he did make an interesting reference not only sing the numbers are going up but referring to robert f. kennedy's numbers the way they look he really can't debate with those. the first time i believe he is made a reference to rfk junior's appearance here and even if there were a debate some people argue there might not be between the president and joe biden even though both say they are open to it but rfk junior wouldn't make
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that with the number he has of course that means to be seen it's still early in the process. but i do want to go to john and back to him. obviously the frustration the president is expressing again and again as he has a bout how limited he is to say and to speak his mind. something michael cohen is not. and the thousand dollar fine each time he says something out of turn and prosecutors want to punish him. wears all that going? >> i agree with president trump that he is on an unfair gag order when you consider the campaign. maybe i'm being contrarian here even though he is suffering legal setbacks he is turning it into political gold. he is six points ahead of biden
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amongst registered voters nathan -- nationwide. he performed a judo move on these prosecutors by turning these attacks into favourable political ratings. part is what we just saw. ayden has trouble giving a press conference and streaming sentences together. you set -- sit in a courtroom for ten days in a row and you can't say anything and all you do is listen to people attack you than at the end of the day you get up and give a pretty good press conference and no transcript written out for you and not practice. so you look at the contrast between him and he comes out looking better. >> let me ask you but the process. twelve jurors the odds of escaping a conviction on all of them i think it could still happen, all it takes is one juror to say i don't agree. but it's still early in the process i grant you but what do
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you think we. >> i think there is no planet on which donald trump to get a trial and the best that those who are seeing this trial for what it is are hoping is that there is just one juror to make this trial the jury at the end of the day. the trial makeup is just stacked against him kneel and when you take the fact that the case is being presented in such a way the whole motive is for the da to confuse the jurors into a guilty verdict. i say that because we've still not heard, i sound like a broken record, we've not heard one single scintilla of a crime. you cannot build a criminal case with having evidence that is completely innocent. so far that is what we have. and i don't expect that to change. >> neil: and what about you katie on that subject?
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>> i agree the prosecution has not presented evidence of a criminal act at all. we have to remember as much as the details of these catch and kill schemes ultimately these are lawful deals and so even to michael cohen's point and i thank the defence has to walk a fine line with this because those are still lawful deals i do not think they need to be risking any guilty by association by suggesting otherwise. certainly they want to attack michael cohen's credibility but at the end of the day even the testimony that sounds vary salacious and maybe unethical is lawful at this point. >> alright guys think you very much i want to pass along apple earnings are up. the markets had a strong day today. the numbers appear to be okay but what's interesting even with iphone sales apple we'll be buying back $100 million worth
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of its stock. were not seeing a lot of movement but there is another group of things potentially coming. a lot of people are interpreting this if we get good numbers from other companies in a couple weeks this could have people thinking technology looks good again. it looked good today certainly as interest rates stabilize and more investors are convinced that while the federal reserve might not cut rates soon the signal seems to be they are buying it for now. it certainly won't be raising them as was the original fear. it's all subject to change. in the meantime following some other developments going on with all these protests including what's going on beyond the country including in washington dc and george washington university that's where david is. hello david. >> hello i am a half-mile from the white house at george washington university where palestinian flag flies here in the middle of campus. protests have been nonviolent
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that they continue to get louder. the folks in the tents here say they won't be going anywhere we have a full report after this break neil o, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. elmer>> hi, i'm elmer heinrich. i am the owner of the 40-year-old company that sells immuno 150. immuno 150 contains 9 exotic fruits, 13 vitamins, 17 herbs, 18 amino acids, 70 minerals, coq10, turmeric, flax seed and a lot more. now this powerful formulation has propelled me to 90 years of age and my wife to 81, both with no dementia, no diabetes,
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let me be clear diesel protest in america violent protest is not protected. peaceful protest is. it's against the law when violence occurs. destroying property is not a peaceful protest its against the law. >> might be against the law but seems to be popping up all over the place. we are up to 45 colleges and universities it had some disruptions pretty violent protests those are fewer than our any but still going on. we will talk to a student momentarily who dealt with at himself. he is not jewish but sometimes you can get caught up in this regard this. in washington not far from where those remarks were made earlier
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today, david. >> reporter: hello neil about a half-mile away and quite the just a position as the president delivered remarks in the roosevelt room. the first president of the u.s. depicted here in a famous statue at the campus covered by protesters and has been for about one week. this is the tent camp behind me at george washington university today marks one week since it happen. it's been loud and active however it's been nonviolent. no major clashes with police or between different protesting groups. they raised a palestinian flag earlier on campus, the protesters i want to play some of that, take a listen. >> they haven't mentioned hostages but every time i've been out there and i've been making sure to mention i'm there not only distend with friends and family in israel but also to support the immediate release of our hostages that are still in gaza. >> okay neil so that was at a
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pro-israel rally down the street. but this rate here is what i was talking about, this is the stitch -- statue of george washington our first president covered in his car and palestinian flag there is the word genocide that is spray-painted at the bottom. this is about a half-mile from the white house where the current president bite and delivered those remarks and down the street as i mentioned there was the pro-israel rally about 150 people or so, someone came out whose family was kidnapped as hostages and killed by hamas back on october 7th. so back out here right now neil as i said it's been boisterous however nonviolent. next week house republicans planting old and hearing on capitol hill to demand answers about why the mayor and others have not had police come in and clear these tents. right now the local police and metropolitan police and the mayor's office say this has been nonviolent at this point so they
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have nearly seen the need to do so. some critics would say its time to wrap this up. neil thank. >> neil: you for that david. i want to introduce you to a remarkable young man campus reform correspondent what's interesting about michael's story is he has proved you don't need to be jewish to get caught up in this crazy storm work good to have you michael. explain what has happened? these protests sort of heated up, what happened? >> i'm a senior correspondent with the leadership institute campus reform. i've been able to go to all sorts of protests whether it be nyu or call mia. >> neil: so it affords you the right to go. >> yes, it's only a 40 minute train ride away and not too far. but also there is a protest where they overtook the main lobby at the lincoln centre campus. one common theme i am seen with protesters is that they don't want to tell you what they are doing they just want to do it they are doing which is why they overtook the main lobby
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yesterday. these students don't stand for any of the ball up -- values universities across the country -- >> neil: so you aren't jewish but you got caught up in this? how? >> when i see something wrong happening i have this inclination to report on it because the more people see it the more visibility it gets. then the faster resolution comes. i've many jewish friends back home and everyday i am worried for them because the violence and anti-semitism you are seeing is getting to a level that is unsustainable and it's getting to the point where administrators at colleges and universities need to step up and start being proactive. >> and columbia and ucla and compasses across the country weight and wait as they can see protesters building up plans at encampments. i was in at ford and cream. >> it was a small version of
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columbia. nypd resent an and 15 students, 15 of my peers were arrested. it's upsetting because i've been telling my friends for weeks now it can happen at columbia than it can happen here are they been promising it for weeks and the university neglected it, it happened and it disrupted classes for a lot of people at lincoln centre. >> neil: a lot of protests at ucla and cumbia, professors were involved. how was it for you? >> it is unconfirmed but i can tell you boots were on the ground a clump you had press access onto the cap is. when i walked in about a week ago on monday i walked into a faculty protest where hundreds of faculty -- solidarity with the cabinet that went viral. it's upsetting because administrators, faculty and professors are feeding into the narrative many people have reported on and talked about the education and higher education is no longer arc a place for
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ideas it's just indoctrination. >> neil: are your parents concern for you in the middle of this? say maybe they should go to a college. >> new york city is already unsafe as it is so they already worry for me but with these things they tell me watch her back and be more careful you never know what can happen. even yesterday i saw two individuals who got into an altercation which i believe led to one of them being arrested yesterday because they're going they're going back-and-forth. thanks happen very quickly and it's unpredictable. it's because these radical student groups pushing the narratives on campuses. >> neil: and not only student groups. i don't know if you know about this but that police commissioner said there is a lot of outside players and educators. quite a few he said. they sort of go from college to college and protest to protest. oftentimes they are arrested and rearrested and let out. but it's common.
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>> i recall a protest where i was nearly forced onto the street, i keep writing into him at these protests. you have to ask the question how many of these students are the ones actually pushing the narratives and how many of them are the outside agitators? >> neil: what you think we. >> that's the problem i don't have an answer because you cannot tell who is a student and who isn't a student because when you walk into these incumbents and protests they urge you to wear a mask or not disclose your identity. it's insane. >> neil: you are a remarkable young man, you might want to skip going protest to protest may be's sake. michael dew campus reform correspondent. as you pointed out thanks are calming down as they are a columbia and others. but again i keep reminding people this is nationwide. new hampshire they sea not only at dartmouth at the university of new hampshire that states governor on what happens now after this i'm your overly competitive brother.
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and i'm ready for a rematch. game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop? foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. love you mom! wait till your father gets home.
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as these protests spread it comes to the unlikeliest of places sometimes. dartmouth and new hampshire the university of new hampshire itself i believe 30 arrests. everything was calm but it could
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have gotten dacey. the state governor joins is now. how did all of ago? >> it went as good as it could have. there was a lot of communication before had an coordination and preventative measures. i think university did a great job. they were clear with the student same first amendment rights we'll be protect -- protected that peaceful protest are protected but here are the school rules what you can violate and what you shouldn't violate. there we'll be consequences so when those things were violated the students were warned, you got to go. they didn't leave and work effectively arrested. there were a few arrests last night and now all the students are back in the class first thing this morning. it all starts with good leadership upfront on the campus level. local law enforcement and campus security had great coordination
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ahead of time. >> neil: brown university had another way around us to sort of prenegotiate a settlement that included being open to a vote on divesting of companies that invested in israel. so that took the protesters down from a plan sit in but those protesters i mentioned will want that vote. >> and say terrible idea. if you're starting to negotiate with those in the hopes they won't break laws it's vary simple, you lay out the communication. if you violate school rules on policy there we'll be clearer consequent -- cons wes' and u.s. key on them. that's how you handle these situations because when you give them something upfront like that you think they're going away? they will just come back for more. it will encamp themselves for something else. any future protesters you've told where up for negotiation right off the bat. so you've lost all leverage is terrible management.
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i think what they did in new hampshire is the right approach. dartmouth has been a gold standard for the mall but what you see across the country if you could capitulate and you have this woke mentality of appeasement it doesn't work. the model has failed time and time again. you've got to be clear with the students and have can negation with them. one thing dartmouth doesn't get credit for is the nature of these conversations were happening in the classroom, and a constructive way. it brings the temperature of the entire situation down. i think very early on some schools were doing this right so that when things started to stir up they are manageable and don't get out of hand like you see at ucla and columbia. cobb blessed those places are disasters. >> neil: i want to switch gears a bit pack donald trump has just wrapped up his tenth trial day in the hush money issue. it did surprise you to the degree now you're backing him
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after some thanks you said. but he could be convicted on one or more of these counts against him weather the people think it's fair or not but you're still sticking with him. why? >> it shouldn't surprise anyone the work -- republican governor will vote for trump. we fought hard on the primary. >> neil: but you want just any republican -- you are just any republican governor, you had said referring to donald trump as he is not the future. you also said i don't think you so crazy you could put them in a mental institution but he if -- if he were in when he would have a tough time getting out. >> that's funny. [ laughter ] >> neil: all these horrible thanks you said about the guy then all the sudden -- >> this is what it comes down to. elections are about choices. biden is that bad of a president and inflation is that painful to the average american family, the border crisis is that railed all 50 states that everybody is
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saying wait a minute we need a culture change. biden is that bad that is making trump delectable. guide much rather have a republican administration that believes in state rights and more flexibility to the individual -- spewing so you don't believe donald trump and voting for him is like putting gasoline on the firework? it's just going to get so much worse. >> this chaos follows him no question. but at the end of the day nobody wants four more years of this biden administration. they want, the hard-working americans -- put it this way, you're watching what's happening in the courthouse it is chaos no one likes it. but as edward being kept awake by what will happen in this tv drama of donald trump? know. they are being kept awake because they can't pay their bills and they can pay their rent. universities are on fire, border crisis is out of control and joe biden keep saying don't worry
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the vacuum campaign rebels -- >> neil: the fact he said the new happier primary you never did the universe said these things back then. >> i tried hard for nikki but trump is the nominee we will support the republican ticket. >> neil: we'll watch a closely great to see a kevin carpenter. or prime minister joining us, think you were your patients. and wanted your to these protests. they seem to be accelerating at her almost all pro- palestinian. what do you make of that? >> at tickets crazy and i think it's giving back when two radical islamic terrorism. i think there is nothing the radical islam wants more than to see this. you have people of the likes of osama bin laden though he is dead but people like him that are celebrating. basie at best naïve students and faculty in the west supporting hamas which is a savage --
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savage, barbaric organization that murders, rates, burns and is alive. >> neil: what does that terribly -- tell you promised her that they are supporting? they are supporting that. >> i think it's a mix of indeed people who deliberately know exactly what happened. we are talking about radical, islamic folks. and it's mixed with naïve ultra woke people who really don't understand anything about the middle east or global affairs but they are playing to this. the irony is that if any of those woke students, if there game, lgbtq2ai whatever would actually go to gaza they would be killed in about three seconds because you can't be gay and gaza. >> neil: dew
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>> neil: i'm sorry, prime minister, i did want to get your take on this because the present prime minister prep minister benjamin netanyahu, the time and place of his choosing,y who argue that action is going to further galvanize more of these racy protests going on here, and dare i say around the world. what do you think? >> well, i think we should have gone in and conquered and obliterated hamas in rafah three months ago. i don't know why we are waiting this long, should have been done long ago. but they blame israel for these riots. it's ridiculous because these riots are simply because israel is the jewish state. i mean, over the past 50 years, there have been hundreds of wars across the world, where millions of innocent people were killed. and gaza, we are talking about one of the lowest ratios of collateral damage in the history
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of urban warfare. we are talking about 15,000 terrorists and about 15,000 civilians, which is one of the lowest ratios. but, you know, you have cam cambodia, the civil war in syria, he butchered his own people, almost a million of them, but we didn't see any of these protests. so what is different about this war? one thing is different. it's the jewish state that is defending itself. >> neil: prime minister, thank you very much. it is very good having you. naftali bennett, the former israeli prime minister. as to the timing of that planned attack on rafah, that benjamin netanyahu has not indicated that it is still on, whether that disturbs or disrupts negotiations with hamas on the release of hostages and the rest, it doesn't matter. protests. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro on wit