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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources. in general
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, how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure? in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police officer and a psychologist, you me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging valera for you. the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator , it will hurt, they say that you can look right into people’s heads, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, oleg ivanovich gontsov, man, legend, 7 fought in afghanistan for years, and then... for many years
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he came here on the affairs of afghan veterans, his current visit with our film crew is the fiftieth in a row, he knows so much about the country a lot, enough for a whole series. here in kabul a club of russian wives was formed, these women married afghans and lived here, there were quite a lot of them in the microdistrict, these were not only women from russia, this was also ukraine, well, that is, from all over the soviet union, some of these women after ...the departure of our troops and the change of power remained here, according to my information, during these battles and confusion, about ten women disappeared into obscurity. there were still good times for afghans until 1973. monarchy. suffice it to say that under the king zakir shah women were not only allowed not to wear a chedra, but also given the opportunity to receive higher education and vote in parliamentary elections. and afghanistan then maintained
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very good relations with the soviet union. the koran does not say that allah is against communism. so why should we fight him, that’s what the king said. almost every year he came to moscow, and from here to leningrad, pyatigorsk, evpatoria, a unique photo, zakir shah visits the artek pioneer camp in crimea. and here’s another call from the arteykov wall newspaper. in seventy-three, the king of afghanistan was dethroned by his own. and the monarchy ceased to exist, but the people remember the royal family, a huge pantheon rises above kabul, in the center of the colonnade there is a black coffin, it’s really not real, right under the grave of zakershah for tourists there is a real necropolis, in this underground gallery they were going to bury all members of the royal family, it is illuminated by natural light, with sunlight shining through the ceiling.
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they say that if you make a full circle around the gallery, any dreams will come true. here indeed, the ashes of the remains of all members of the royal family and closest subjects rest. we managed to find out who this fresh, seemingly unmarked grave belongs to. the son of zakir shah mirwais was buried here 5 months ago. the royal line, of course, continues, but there is more to the history of the necropolis. switzerland and the united states, in their former capacity, of course, they will not return to kabul; from the dynasty, only the graves of memories remain here. in afghanistan they are not sure, for sure, but historians claim that they know for sure, the grave, which you just saw belongs to great-great-grandfather zaltan mukhamedkhan, considering that she was.
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kabul hopes to get a visa and wants to go
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to his brother in rostov. this will be very interesting for me, i heard so many good things from my brother about russia that now i want to see everything myself, and also. i want to find myself a wife, you have very beautiful women, definitely the best in the world. closer to sunset , there are fewer and fewer cars on the streets of kabul, merchants leave the central squares, considering that they live far outside the city, they have to get up at 5 am to come to the city again, to offer your product, the same as those of thousands of others. in the evening, when the work has already been completed, the goods have been sold and the change has fallen into the wallet, literally every afghan man goes to either... play a game of cricket, or watch other players, this is the most popular sport in the country. afghans are very gambling people. they do this in any village, and there is
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a result, not champions. the afghan national team is among the top ten, and the national flag still hasn’t been on their sports uniform for 3 years. they recognized. the taliban flag is not allowed at international competitions. the islamic emirate of afghanistan does not even have an anthem. spiritual leaders believe that music corrupts muslims and should be banned. and so afghan cricketers sing in the stadium the words from the anthem of a country that no longer exists, democratic afghanistan. maybe this confuses some people, but not the fans, there are millions of them, those who pray for the team at home and... those who are ready to travel for a day on crosswalks to get to the game, afghans cheer passionately, and allah often smiles on them, the team has already amazed the whole world, defeating the current champions and two former medalists, defeating england,
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pakistan and sri lanka. after another victory in the locker room, the team no longer sings the old anthem, but an ancient afghan song. the meaning of the words is clear, we fought and honestly won, and there are also words there, happiness rarely comes to the poor, but life still goes on, we are further studying afghanistan, in the next broadcasts, the unofficial capital of pashtun kandahar, and also awaits you the story of how the taliban defeated one of the worst. afghanistan, to be continued. great loss. today, in a hospital near kiev, at the age of 87, the
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greatest ukrainian historian, academician pyotr petrovich tolochko, passed away. since april last year, he has been under house arrest on charges of treason against ukraine.
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europe does not need such a ukraine. i was lucky enough to know pyotr petrovich personally and i wondered how one could maintain such bright optimism about the commonality of our peoples in such dark times.
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us secretary of state blinken paid a three-day visit to china this week. they greeted german chancellor olaf scholz without ceremony, red carpet fanfare, like scholz, blinken demanded that china stop supporting russia, because like... scholz, the pompous blinken, came to put pressure on china and set conditions. in the celestial empire they know how
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to behave with such people. it is clear that the us secretary of state left beijing with nothing, and china, as if in mockery during blinken’s visit, demonstrated its economic power. how once in those days, an international auto show was held in beijing, china, which had already overtaken everyone in the production and sale of cars in the world, presented developments that had never been dreamed of. from china, our correspondent, alexander baletsky. for the state department chief, this round of us-chinese negotiations did not become a diplomatic breakthrough. after all, blinken flew with the firm intention that beijing would put the squeeze on him, which is probably why he went to the basketball match first, to get ready for an attacking game, but on the political field in china, american techniques will not end with a three-pointer in negotiations with the head of the people's republic of china, i had to remember about politeness. biden has asked me to return here to continue the important agenda that you both laid out in san francisco to
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deepen cooperation. we strive to maintain stronger ties between us to avoid any misunderstanding, any misconception and any miscalculation, and we strive to manage our bilateral relations responsibly. china and the us should be partners, not rivals. if this fundamental question is resolved, if if this first... button is fastened, then sino-american relations will truly stabilize and move forward. blinken did not fasten the button; on the way to the airport he attacked the prc with threats, which the press compared to hysteria. we, on the part of the united states , have already introduced sanctions against more than 100 chinese legal entities, export controls, and so on, and we are fully ready to act further and take new measures. in general, everyone understood, to win beijing over to its side in the ukrainian conflict, as it were... not i wanted this on the eve of putin’s imminent visit to china, but it didn’t work out, although washington strengthened its negotiating position as best it could. the senate
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voted to allocate $8 billion for military assistance to taiwan; for china, this is crossing the red line, and the us treasury did not rule out cutting off chinese banks from international systems because they continue to work with moscow. but the chinese responded harshly: you shouldn’t get involved in other people’s relationships. on the one hand, the us introduced a massive relief bill. ukraine, on the other hand, came out with unfounded accusations against normal economic and trade relations between china and russia. such actions are extremely hypocritical and irresponsible. china strongly opposes this. even before the meeting with sizenping, blinken spoke with his chinese counterpart and wang yi sorted everything out. chinese-american relations are facing a lot of negative factors of all kinds of disruptions. legal rights of china. development is being unreasonably infringed, should china and the united states stick to the right direction and move steadily
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forward or return to a non-descending spiral. blinkin's answer: countries speak, hear each other and supposedly understand, do not understand, they stated after negotiations at the foreign ministry, pointing out that the policy of containment of china continues, as does the americans' misperception of china. they tried many times in china to formulate the correct perception in blinken and biden, including with the help of confucianism. after which i looked into this small bookstore, flags and photographs with it, now here as an advertisement, but i couldn’t master the confucian wisdom, and the white house uses its favorite. pressing method. the exercise of the american fleet with the philippines, and outside the twelve-mile zone of its territorial waters in the south china sea, looks like an outright provocation. 17,000 military personnel are practicing an attack on ships of a mock enemy and an operation to capture a mock island. and this is after the states have already
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delivered their medium-range missile system launcher capable of firing to the philippine island of luzon, closest to taiwan. missiles sm6 and tamagaw, where are they will be targeted, beijing immediately realized that on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of its navy, it released rare footage of its maneuvers. having been following blinkin’s movements around china at that moment, the west connected this with the chinese signal about the inadmissibility of americans crossing red lines, although without them sparks from additional tariffs on the import of chinese goods into the united states to attempts to take tiktok away from china. in china, this was compared to a raider takeover. there, after all, the law signed by biden requires that either the service be sold to americans or it will be blocked in the usa, though biden himself never deleted his personal tiktok account. washington is afraid that tiktok algorithms can influence the voting preferences of americans, but what can anyone, who can, official beijing
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, blinken did not provide direct evidence, limiting himself to teraday in an interview with cnn, saying that the americans know that elections are for... regarding non-market behavior and unfair competition, i strongly advise everyone to look into the law on chips and science, adopted by the usa 2 years ago. it not only provides for direct subsidies, but also exclusionary and discriminatory articles. is this market behavior? moreover, the united states
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, under all sorts of pretexts, imposed illegal sanctions against more than one and a half thousand chinese legal entities and individuals. is this fair competition? the american judgment about excess capacity is not a conclusion arising from the principles of a market economy, a fabricated false narrative, another proof of us protectionism and its intention to suppress the development of china. most of all, the states are up in arms against chinese semiconductor technologies and electric vehicles. that they are conquering world markets, and the international auto show that opened in beijing clearly shows that the country has been a leader in this area for 10 years. sales of chinese electric cars in the world have grown 126 times, last year they sold 9.5 million cars, they take the finishing, but more of the filling, smart. a very large screen, everything is convenient, and you don’t have to be distracted to find the right button, this is important for safety, we generally attach great importance to it, the body of our car is made of especially high-strength
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steel, and the comfort of western premier stands once or twice i paid all the attention to chinese new products... most of them are electric trains, but there are also gasoline models that are familiar to us, mostly hybrids, here it looks like a brutal luxury suv, respectively, inside there is also maximum luxury and all-wheel drive, while fuel consumption is significantly lower, than other cars of this class, even cherry is preparing premieres with an eye on russian roads, we have already been working in the russian market for more than 20 years, so we have good experience, we understand customer requirements, therefore... entering the russian a market that has replaced most western brands, and the us doesn’t like it either, but this is the competition that china stands for. alexander baalsky, glebnapara, nikolai petrov, news of the week from china.
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ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow. a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ, the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste, and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, and initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. shower the lord is with his saints, let's see what happens next, stand, who are the new ones? this
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is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, you can, you can sing like- something, brusley, alive, we don’t need names, don’t bother her, or what, don’t bother, not yours, well, you, krumashka, holy light, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to the call sign rebin, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure.
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important news for large families came this week from the government: the mortgage repayment assistance program for families with three or more children has been extended for another 7 years. prime minister meshustin announced this at a cabinet meeting on tuesday. now. a family with three or more children can receive 450,000 rubles to pay off their mortgage, last year about 190,000 such payments were provided, now we are extending this measure for another 7 years, for those with a third and the next child will be born before december 31 , 1930, this will help parents take advantage of government assistance to
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purchase housing. in total , more than 600 billion rubles additionally are required for these purposes, including about 50 billion rubles this year. at the government meeting , the scenario for the country’s socio-economic development for the next 3 years was discussed. and here they are, good numbers. the russian economy is confidently adapting to external challenges, transforming based on its own national goals, and increasing its internal production. in february, let me remind you, the growth of the domestic product accelerated to 7.7%, our production expanded in the mining and manufacturing sectors, and at the end of the first quarter, revenues increased by more than 50% compared to the level of the corresponding period last year. the developed base version of the forecast assumes that in the next 3 years gdp growth will be about 2.3 or 4% per year. this will be
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ensured by an increase in domestic demand. the russian economy is growing confidently, despite any sanctions, and russia is becoming increasingly attractive not only for large foreign investors, but also for ordinary europeans, who are increasingly choosing russia for the future of their children. one of the striking examples is in the report of veronica bogma from the rostov region, a family from germany recently settled there. so.
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took to the don, where the climate is closer to what it was at home. yeah, that's it, no more. jeanette has two higher educations, a teacher and an accountant. vladislav is an engineer. we realized that we were living in some kind of, i don’t know, gearbox some kind of thing, it’s just spinning and spinning, and now we now have the opportunity to break free and do what we like. party, party, party. the goat tusya recently gave birth to kids, there will be more milk. they will start making cheese. some went to the store, and we went and milked the goat. in germany, the zellingers lived in a large village and they did not have such experience, so there was a discovery every day.


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