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tv   News  RT  May 10, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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the soon send the most of the video to, to d today at the most and the the radio splunk, the densely populated city of ruffled again as the car rose, these 5 talks fail. meanwhile, if we have to use you, we will flight do for the e for the wheel, spend the width depends the goal in suspending on deliveries to as well, nothing yahoo valve to find home with out american the thousands of protest. this gathering sweetest to show that all positions do as well as presence in the you are a vision song calling says frank appalled christy over the double standard sense of what was the calls that exceed ukraine con double when it
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comes to the treatment for that reason i think we will advocate vigorously for them to be closed in orderly multiple world and a universally beneficial an inclusive economic globalization will be in on visiting . so be a and then hungary agent, things that he's trying to is always open to expands in cooperation with states that took the national interest of the rest of the winter. 10 pm here in most go you're working on see international with the world news update. it's great to have you with us a top story this out of the ideas struck rafa once again, an area to a most display sconces of flood. but it shows heavy smoke rising above residential
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buildings in southern gaza. the strikes come off the seas. fine, that goes, she ations and tie rose failed once again with her mouse and as well. unable to agree on cold amone's journalist, the crown also tarry stays. the situation in russia is deteriorating. rapid liam, at the woodlands. bliss phone, 5 minutes from israel, a target to be the prefer, the area they conduct couldn't current strides and for different parts of the neighborhood. the story, a good theories of houses and they probably didn't fire was discharged, are still good thing was the target the strikes. i'm not targeting this the east area, but the other stuff was off north and off south san areas near the egyptian boulder . some few of the areas near the the are off beach area. so literally the bombardment and the type of thing is covering cold over a 100. there is no safe haven and gaza. there is no such a thing that is called safety loans, i think is a,
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has already violated bones that it lines when it comes to lose their stones and have started to find a student has displaced them even in the area where it's supposed to be or believes to be a safe zones. distortion is extremely dire. wish for college. so remember that is that is now clause a girlfriend. i've kind of shut off terminal. they're not allowing anything. there's no food, no food supplies, no other supplies. normally that concludes your mother's or medication and that shows you components. now people are injured, they need some health care who's gonna need somebody to help consumers on medications. and people come out to access the hospital. does conduct provide the services that people need. so that leaves more people with dice because of that next to me, the consumers, i'm just kind of nice because of because of the displacement and because of bombardment. so the situation is extremely, i'm conceivable. in the sense that you see hundreds of thousands of people going nowhere because they're extremely confused about where to go. and they're still
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being targeted by the confusion. and now with this fund, larger of gaza, with the 2 terabytes of clothes, people are unlikely, david pushed off at a more and the situation is getting even more there. so when the mall is where the forces claim they've eliminated 50 homos, melissa ends in rafa ols. discovering several tunnels in the area, the only the f is now full is the big display. so the ac thousands palestinians found rough buttons as 3 days according to the un relief agency, with the total number of people in the area believes to be $1500000.00. the israeli military. i talked to the city and tom gets off the taking over the roof of border crossing earlier this week, deliberately destroying them with time. the vehicle could be seen maneuvering in front of an i love golf as a sign at the crossing before running the terrorism. on wednesday, killed 8 civilians including 3 children on the level of the residential building. in rafa that brings the death toll since the october 7th, 10 mazda attacks,
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and more than 38800 people, medical stuff as well as patients say that the situation in hospitals is critical. let us show, even though i see the roof, i cannot bear to be invaded by he's really a lot of there are many casualties. are the most of the injured and monitors that they're arriving at. the hospitals are women and children and mostly displaced. first on a level minute, most of the injuries are birds. we receive these injured people in large numbers and they are a robin of cards due to a lack of fuel. and it hasn't misled baskim, we are unable to comb with such a large number of casualties and critically airplane. she's the subsidies are severe shortage of health care professionals. i mean, we appeal to everyone in the world and all to abandon guys and leave it to face this crisis low and what is urgently needed. now, as an immediate assist ation of conflicts, putting an end to the depths and casualties among develops and people say that they love us so heavy, but they love the medical conditions and they're alpha extremely terrible. now we
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have to wait several hours to see a doctor, but most of the time we're unable to receive medical treatment, or medical staff are also exhausted and unable to provide treatment. this is what i was main ally, washington has voice is concerns over the operation. in rafa, the us house temporarily suspended the shipments of some 3 and a half 1000 bones to the country. according to the pentagon spokesperson, the final decision on the weapons delivery is yet to be made. we paused one shipment of weapons consisting of 180-2000 pound arms, and 170500 pound bonds. we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with this shipment. and, you know, not going to get into i pathetic goals. but again, we've been very clear on our views as it relates to rough uh, in any ground operations there. and i'll just leave it there with us support to as well wavering prime minister benjamin netanyahu has promised to continue the fight,
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even if his country is left alone. if we have to stand alone and we will spend a little odd reason why i already said that if we have to label some nail, but we have much more than one else with the same greatness of mind. with god's help, we will win together. we are determined and we are united to defeat our enemy and those to seek our souls the way to all that live by washington. the gem middle position is now working berlin to follow suit by home, certain good phone ons exports to as well. the federal government must follow the example of the us and stop and deliver is $30.00 immediately, only to national oppressions. and non, some barger can stop the nathan yahoo governments from invading or far germany. the 2nd largest supplied israel up to the us and the for shows responsibility for the dust and gaza. the federal government must know do a blessing to prevent so this civilian casualties and the full stop on exports.
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german government must stop. it's nazi, i'm critical cooperation. within that time you all government, nothing. you all phrases, the leisure already to population these phrases i projects the rest of the policy of genocide against the palestinians. and the german government is still supporting . nathaniel quite, i'm pretty, it's me. so the mom of sending this log on to you is good candidates in accordance with the peace movement, but until the german government photos is i think there must be. busy a little pressure from the peace movement, and that must be a 180 degrees to lead you to apologize for the british. foreign minister, this is david cameron has been asked if london is planning to stop sending weapons to israel as well. i just wanna briefly take a listen to what david cameron said in response to that question. while he does
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between the us situation case, the us is a mess. state license is significantly less than one percent of the downing street is responsible for granting individual licenses to companies that do exports weapons to as well. so what do you make of what david cameron just said with us? we see that as a lot of people are busy and what, uh, let's say less than, well just do it in the moment in that role. if that would be really pressure. oh, well let's say the. busy community, the united nations and the best, the nations which supply of costs if you do licenses a full weapons method production just to follow this rule. so there shouldn't be
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that simple critic attempt to say we are not responsible official be an attempt to really make crash on that on you all the government to say follow the majority of your people, follow the majority of the was population which is bringing forward and overseas fight over the mob stopping the genocidal wolf a which is going during the direction of the general side. so we'll put you back to with your vision song contest in full swing and sweden voices supporting palestine have been very loud. thousands of protesters guided to show their well positions who is wells participation? people were seen with signs calling to stop the genocide in gauze, us palestinians, blanks,
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and pictures of the destruction and death in the end today. despite the protest, your vision has resisted calls, the bone is well demonstrate is expressed to that. i'm the ever, the countries talk dissipation and the competition is horrible. what's happening in ga. so right now, and i think a lot of people should be demonstrating purchasing, especially now when the u. s. low, but this ramp to participate in your vision button, but not the russia. and i think that's just the, it's wrong. it's really to embrace this eminence. lemme pull behind. i think it's important to show that we're against appear on the double standard when it comes to the treatment of russia. for that reason, i think it's the prophecy. we say, well, the democracy know nobody's doing nothing. we're all watching children are buying. people are the why. nobody's doing nothing. this can go on. there's no stop to this
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. people blame it shortly, but we, we need to support the charter for this. this, the people are here for your revision. thanks so much celebrate. there's nothing to celebrate. it's an ongoing war. people are killing each other. children of dying on the us secretary of state, hillary clinton has caused a sized pro palestinian protest as for not knowing much about middle eastern history. i have had many conversations that you have had with a lot of young people over the last many months now. and you're right, they don't know very much at all about the history of the middle east to me while clinton, himself, while working your secretary of state state paul to contribute to the turbulence in the middle east to famously jokes and a tv interview about the murder of former libya and leading mamma gadhafi. she's also been course a slice of being responsible for the depths of american diplomats solved to the us embassy and thing gauzy was attacked. she was not taking action disappointing
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knowing that was a threats during the syria and cries, as she tried to convince congress to go along with a plan for a limited, targeted military response plans and also pushed for the removal of the syrian presidents aside from power back to proposal to provide weapons to syrian rebels palestinian analyst in his way of size. i tell dude about gucci says that hillary clinton has no right to some pro palestinian protest. this is not enough for him to say or to accuse the demonstrate that as the distance and the method is due today, that they are mistaken. they have seen on tv, what is literally happening and goes and they with and what do they think, even for a humanitarian movie experience or emotion of feelings and the that's the human feeling. and then when it comes to is it. and then as a united states feels that because the right to do anything to support this is an
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by accusing that the, the for this go to see the inside being and to seem like so now they are and makes, seem to these things to give them so if you feel that the size is what i'm saying is, and then you and the eh, you could, it says, is that i have and then as me you, you wouldn't be accused of being cancer. so you might investments here. this is the, the, the us and boost and fullness of engine on the soup. 30 other to in their own opinion, gives them that i to do anything, even collecting data on people just because they decided to send with the following statement. the president of china has paid his 1st visit to hungry a 20 years smoking, developing relations between the countries. she's in pink and apartment, a civic to open, spoke with the media, highlighting the mutual goals they have to achieve. what's put to get this going to be like right now we have a multi pull a while ago with the and one of the main colon. so this new world,
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although he's the people's republic of china, you know, he plays the payments a role in global politics and the condo. 5 on a more modern woman, you've joined us suppose hungry and playing a bigger role in the giving you and promoting great progress in china. your relations will advocate vigorously for an equal and orderly, multiple world and universal immunization and inclusive economic globalization. the 2 leaders also allows broadening co operation on the old strategic levels from reconstruction to the developments of infrastructure on the nuclear industry. hungry is not only china is closest to you, i live, but also an important trade and investment part. and the countries signed 18 agreements following the means during is european to the chinese they did receive the welcome in sylvia, the 2nd country of the 3 nation european tool. according to serbian presidents, alexandre vintage, the friendship between the 2 nations is i am tried. we spoke to solve some bullet chain anomalous for the so the incentive for social stability besides aging has
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always had coast relations, at least in new or offends. no western pressure can change that kind of has always had so been sympathy is the chinese and the serbian people have a great connection going decades back and the serbian people in serbian states in china. so i've never had any problems. and the mutual problems in between each other. so this was a visit not to start some good relationship with the wind over. so it'd be about to cement the already great relations and the some featured partnership that we have between the 2 countries and the western lead. he always tries little bits to, you know, to criticize anyone who is cooperating with, with china. but it is interesting that they don't criticize so much their own governments because a lot of the west of nations, the presidency, was also in, in france, cooperates really great with china. we've also had years back
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a good cooperation in great britain with the germany. so when those kind of that kind of compensation happens, it's not such a big theme in the western media, but when a country which is not the parts of your opinion, you're not the parts of any military alliance has its own independence relationship . a small country with china that somehow becomes a theme and that should not surprise anyone. of course it is the, it is a matter for the lead send for the ruling classes in all those countries who a wants to exert their own kind of influence. so such small countries as serbia is in the are always concerned when we find a partners that are more suited to us and us have a good relationship with us and that we do it independently. i think that that independent segment of independence, the cooperation with china is the most concerning part for them. well,
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one of the main topics of the chinese presidents visits was china, is mediation efforts on his bus stop in front of the student, ping again on the lines, but no peace in ukraine can be reached without the russians. participation the ser, 5 foot from china has stated its position on the ukraine crisis. on many occasions . we support the timely organization of an international peace confidence recognized by russia and ukraine. bringing together all parties on an equal footing and allowing for a fair discussion of all these plans through conflicts can only be resolved through negotiations of time. earlier this year, western countries are going to organize a pace. some is own ukraine in switzerland, on the request of blossom is the landscape where russia, boston even invited to the organizer said to invite you to over a $160.00 delegations, including russia, is analyzed from the global south to discuss. applying more pressure on the country,
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spoke to a professor at the powers of technology on business at benjamin chow. and he says the choice to snuff most go reveals the west the true goals. well, the west has been pushing this a one way negotiation on, on your crate, which is that to be saying that they don't want to install the confidence china. on the other hand, it seems silly ones piece, because china is a major if any fishery of globalization and the cost for 2 years supply and where with cheap and reliable products. but even if the mediation of china with the rushes concepts, it is mission impossible. and china realized that to very well, especially because russia has been gaining so much cut out into cohen ukraine by 2 of these few months. i think finally a piece tossed as seats to seems c, a s and federal stop c, cause i use a power from the cure because it brings in all the most important relevant parties . and now we have to have all these heavy weights for me. data of china,
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or mass victoria day celebrations have been cancelled in front line brushing regions of a possible publications from ukraine. despite that locals went to war memorials to pay tribute to their ancestors of correspondence. dave sweetie took a closer look at how people that don't use republic celebrate to be important data on the rocket and selling attacks a victory day, hey, don't yet knows. the celebration, no price for the people. so to pay tribute. so that'd be crazy to pay a motorcycle cavalcade is making its way across the city to the don't boss defenders. memorial even though it is in light of today's advance, the the understand how important it is to remember and celebrate victory day. because we see how history is being rewritten, how concepts are being replaced, the swapping a winners and losers. and we are obliged to not only to remember ourselves what
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happened in those difficult years, but also to pass it on to younger generations. loops, new york, personally, as a mother of 2 sons, i'm interested in us having traditional values o bones, newman to help with such as it may sound. i like all of us members of the motorcycle club and residents of desk in general wants to bus and the memory. oh, the events of those years to all children. oh grandchildren. so that this is preserved. this is set to be the original t $34.00 tank belonging to a tank come on the front is greek of which he was killed in this upper rosure region. in october 1943 and his men brought his body and his tongue. but to don't yet, which was then known as star lino. his body is babies in the city center, just one of the many memorials to the heroes of the great patriotic war over your direction. you wasn't on the phone without the past, there is no future. the therefore, we remember and we will build our future forward. we remember the feet of our
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ancestors, fathers and grandfathers. the children also need to remember this. after all, this is our history home. you. there must be a connection between generations to do that. the a total flame, hey, in don't yet city inferior to the 27000000 men, women children soldiers punches ons that last night and lives during the great patriotic war across the soviet union. and the majority of them in russia. the scale of the last is the sky of the sacrifices is simply staggering. don't yet city itself was under nazi occupation for 2 years. between 19411943. a stock chosen memorial as to the heroes of that time can be seen across the city. now this morning we heard news of the shedding of the outskirts of a don't yet city. there are a number of people, a wounded and very savvy, and lucky i have a mind lost his life off to his home came unto ukrainian attack. i shop reminder
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the bottles between the idea of logical successes of the nazis that was defeated. $8080.00 is a go, i'll still will taking place today. many families serving soldiers and veterans came to life fine was the total flame, as they pay their respects to those who sacrificed so much. in the words of the american water, ernest hemingway, anyone who loves freedom. oh such a debt to the red army that it can never be repaid. this is steve sweeney fidelity and don't yet city and russian for a ministry spokeswoman maria's a however, has a case the west of waiting a high for it war against most guy. as off the police department has the task method, nato troops are already on the ground, a new frame to native today's help in as much as it can without nato's help, your claim would not have been able to expand it sometimes a lot. there are some troops that i mean soldiers. there are some soldiers,
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their servers, and an ex nato commander, has called on the block to quote, neutralize rushes west, and most enclaves of canadian ground in most, if most go in dangers. regional secures a f as movie or a pen need as the monster the military 8 to key of including non power. i'll say correspondents moreno cause, or if it has more, or whether they want us to or no, all to europeans are being dragged into the conflict with ukraine with more countries now. calling for boots on the ground to reverse keeps losing street for his friends, poland. and now let's away. and the i'll choose has been training ukrainians and ukraine before the war. and we've been doing the so many years. so returning to a booster they said might be quite doable. this could be a 1st step in presence. not cross initiative present lacrosse saw the world when he said that the west shorter rollout send in troops to ukraine and it sounded like a crazy idea at 1st. but it's become increasingly more we'll
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t of hasn't especially asked for european boots on the ground. so there is an online position calling for european military assistance, and here it is. call in on e u countries to send their men. as you can see here, only a few people have signed the file. that doesn't matter because we've already seen just how well in some countries are to help them. and why are they so willing? because they are afraid of the boogeyman who could only snoo clear how russia has threatened with the nuclear arms before. and the so far these have been only threats. can we tell for certain that he's not going to use them? no, we can't because they have done no the, those sorts of crazy things before. but we must understand why is they are making these threats to make us refrain from the decisions so we would otherwise make. so i think we shouldn't given to that, don't do bad. keep going. and so for to crate or you'll get
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a that is the mon from and it seems to be working. suppose presidents already said that his country is ready to host nuclear weapons from its nato allies. and they know must go science on that matter. it's been the same for decades and it's partly what brought us to this place, but they refused to accept that. the opponents for administer seems to understand the repercussions. so it's, i'm clear why they're doing this to themselves. i might as well yes push you and president, i have as the president privately and publicly not to discuss such delicate in secret matters in public because it does not helpful. and from what i know, it has already been communicated to the previous government and to the president that the site is not on the table. so i don't understand what this is about and then thought no one can because it doesn't make sense. and it only complicates matters and says more europeans and americans are starting to wonder why. oh,
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this is necessary. they are amplifying their see your mongering. it's not about us being aggressive, which we would not do as your opinions, but it's about defending our peace order. and this is our responsibility. and this is why we are supporting heavily ukraine also with weapons. so they can defend themselves, but also defend the european p saw because 14 has also made very clear. it's not the end if the war in ukraine. yeah. but he is also threatening the european p sorta. well, that's a lie, as a lot of my approach, never medicines expanded in the military operation. be on the cranes borders, but it's a scare tactics of the west likes to employ. so explain why it's so necessary to fund and are losing endeavor as their citizens expense. we can't let you crane fall, because if it does, then there's a significant likelihood that america will have to get into the conflict. not
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simply with our money, but without service. women now service me a way to believe that in the face of this kind of consistent aggression that he's only going to stop and ukraine, of course not. it's okay for americans. they're far away. is the european. so bas son, so the slaughter 1st bull thankfully there are some voices of reason who are trying to defuse the situation and get the warmongers to stall of the game. jeffries joins the macro and congress by suggesting that american troops may need to fight in ukraine. no matter how many times they repeat this idea, we cannot let it become normalized. it would be world war 3. if a nato member commits ground troops, it will be a direct nato, russia confrontation, and it will then be world war 3. let's be clear. if there is a nuclear war, everything and everyone will be lost. if there is a nuclear war, everyone will die and everything will be destroyed,
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which no one with any common sense can wish for us have done that before. so who's to say they won't do it again? yes, it's a russia that everyone's worried about once again, another result of the west p r machine. because if the was actually cared about the crane or european security, this all would have been over a long time ago. but this is about russia, and it will stop at nothing until russia is defeated because that's the ultimate goal. no matter how many ukrainians or europeans it takes international defense consultants was missing said western countries are only interested in damaging russia, not helping ukraine. a if the west really wants to settle this and to, to come to peace, then they need to withdraw funding. they need to put pressure on on key of the course. we know the key of really doesn't control or destiny. that's controlled mostly by a,
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by the west. they're using ukraine to attempt to reach and russia. that's what it is. ukraine is just a tool. they really don't care about the country, they don't care about the lives being lost. i really think they're all living in a different world parallel universe and, and they're not thinking through their actions at all whatsoever. it's, it's so unfortunate that we're, we're really heading in a very dangerous direction and you listen to the bill, mr. and brother, the chrome, you listen to minister. com or on your listen to several of our representatives. congressmen, jeffries, senator graham and, and you shake your head and go, these are people leading major nations. it just is a spanish as news uh, just in before we wrap up the, our one person has died and at least 5 more have been sent to hospice. and last, where a passenger bus plunged into a.


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