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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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but even in this develt publication it is said that russia then began to make additional demands on ukraine that could not be accepted by any means, that is to declare russian the second state language, something like that, such an impression that they still try to make the document is destabilizing to the point of guaranteeing chaos, and they don't even hide it, they don't even, i said, have the patience to somehow do it, i already said, how to say it, carefully or there with the creation of some illusion of a real agreement, this is also interesting, well, there it was immediately recorded why the negotiators were happy, why they were happy, i don't know if they all were, but oleksandr chaly, my roommate, said: "we have achieved that russia has accepted, i will carefully say, as he said, they will not talk about denazification" . at least it doesn't
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spell the word out so directly, do you understand what it's getting at? well, why is denazification here, it is written there that you, well, you are sitting in your house, well, yes, you are now being thrown molotov cocktails at your windows from all sides, something hits, something is reflected, you somehow it is still protected, and you are offered to simply open it at all. destroy the walls, leave the glass walls, give everything you had in your hands, you are sitting with your family, and then they say to you, come to this window, yes, come on, take off your pants, give it to us, no, i don't want , no, no, no, take it off, take it off, now i'll break the glass, then they'll come, well, come on, and on, that's it, that's the fact that russia is seeking control over ukraine, so what, what else, nothing rights, none, none, but from the moment of such
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so-called agreements, everything is immediately removed, and sanctions are removed, the process is reversed, that is, it is a trap, it is obvious that it is a trap, and the fact that they insert all kinds of moments there every time, well, this really proves that i confirm once again that this is one of the tools, well perhaps wide, there was already such an informational and psychological operation, whether this is now part of such a wide operation, we will see. additional agents should rise in europe or ukraine, it should be promoted from the point of view, well, look, well, there was an opportunity, we missed it, and now it must not be missed, that is why ukrainian sons and daughters will continue to die, this will now be epso, this is pure epso, which does not lead to anything in practice, because at the same time the russians are doing completely different, completely different things, well, i just , i just remembered how in 2004... a long, long time ago, so to speak,
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when there was yanukovych's election campaign and also, they confidently led him to victory there, then in his moscow headquarters at a meeting the then vice-speaker of the state duma lyubov slyska was told that since we are helping him, he is not doing anything for us nice, let's put it in his program that he should declare the russian language the state language in ukraine, and as you remember, they did it, he made such a statement, that is , how many 20 years have passed. 20 years old, and they have the impression that they are some kind of androids, nothing changes, the same tape is scrolling through them all the time, mr. vitali, unfortunately, it sits deep, i would say, i myself encountered this , it surprised me when, even in negotiations with the russians, they could easily lie, could set you up, i was still very i have been convinced of this for a long time, they have their own, well... a style that dates back to soviet times, and
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in principle, in contrast to ukrainian diplomacy there, the practice of negotiation is still tolerated in this soviet-russian myth, and not only that, that is there, in principle, i will tell you one more thing, they themselves sometimes cannot react correctly, that is, putin has already reminded several times about this... well, it cannot be called a contract, there, well, a draft, maybe a document, there is an agreement about about neutrality, security guarantees, that's what it's called, that's what it is showed him several times, that is, he is confused, confused by this situation, i think that he too at one time, apparently his appetite was high, big, he did not even immediately accept medinsky, who was from the russian side, in his office, and he was very disappointed,
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because he was walking there, walking, thinking, doing a great mission, and this, by the way, is evidence that it was just one of the maneuvers, he was thinking like that, even the same medinsky did not understand this, and then it was.. . clearly, immediately after the negotiations, after the 15th of april, when, by the way, the negotiations continued, and it is also strange, because they continued after bucha, and they continued, what did the negotiators from the ukrainian side count on, what did they count on, that russia would suddenly change, putin would be there together with patrushev or zspiskoy , they will directly become angels, what can be counted on, i don’t understand this, here it is necessary to... strengthen our position as much as possible at the expense of partners, at the expense of weapons, arms production, that is , it must be done, well, our official position it is, in fact, it is already official, but i will remind you again, first, this is an example for us, first, a normal discussion must take place in the country
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as well, so that putin does not use this ipso for distribution, there must be a discussion, and i remember when it was there at that time in march, everyone who... expressed some kind of criticism, everyone was simply pressured from all sides, i.e. journalists, experts, then two months later, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, speaks about it, everything, everything is fine, sorry, and those journalists, where are they, where are they where would they hide their faces at the time that they forbade and censored themselves from broadcasting, but just... er , they put these people who were wrong on the air, carrying out propaganda. you know, we are still, thank god, that we united and did not miss this blow, because i am afraid that kyiv would then already be russian after this, the 22nd
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year of this temporary compromise, that is , you can show it all on your fingers , so it is not necessary, on the one hand, on the other hand, this is all hypothetical, let's from the point of view of these... plans let's turn the page from the point of view of working on mistakes and how negotiations should not be done, i think that this should be kept in mind somewhere, because negotiations with russia cannot work like this, you can fall into a trap, and what is happening now, again anyway, well, the actual negotiating group has not changed, it is the same, the president did not change the decree, the same group is there, i see that some... from this group, participants go to various world summits there, well , in particular, to india there oleksandr chalyy was there, that is, i don't understand, it continues this story is in the same context, we have
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the same approach, how can we keep the same approach and at the same time now call for the invitation of ukraine to nato, somehow we need to clarify the situation. i think it's time to do something even with this decree, it has exhausted itself in my opinion at this point, because it is very strange that it remains, so please, those who are involved in this, suggest to the president to stop this decree now , because he has already played his part, thank you, thank you for your good thoughts and your rhetorical questions, including valery chaly, ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america. in the years 2015-2019, he was in direct contact with us and we already have another guest, this is igor semivolos, the director of the middle eastern studies center, mr. igor, good evening, good evening, congratulations colleagues,
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congratulations, so you know, was the deadline for the last chinese warning, and now i have the impression that there is a deadline for the last american warning to china, well, by and large, the last chinese warning, and here we see the state one. of the united states in beijing says quite strictly that if the chinese do not create real opportunities to end military-technical cooperation with the russian federation, then washington itself will do it, a serious conversation, at the same time the defense ministers of the russian federation of the people's republic of china are meeting in vastan, absolutely confident, press each other one hand, they talk about a strategic partnership, they talk about the ties between the armies of both countries, there is not even a hint that siddi. going to listen to blinken because it seems to me that we understand that if it were so, then it is obvious that china would not go to the fact that at the same time as the us secretary of state was in beijing, the chinese defense minister would shake hands with the shaykh. well, at
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least two considerations: the first consideration is that the words have been said, now washington has to answer for them. i think blinken is important enough. the figure of the american hierarchy, and, therefore, accordingly, we have to watch our hands now and understand what steps he can take. united states of america in order not to allow such a development of events. of course, i can imagine that they will say that it did not happen, or at least they will deny it, or at least they will delay it, that is, this fact is also known and you can make a good mine with a bad game, but well, it will seriously undermine the american position, europe closely follows . according to blinken, according to the americans, europe has its own interests in china, well
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, take the same macron, and therefore it is obvious that they cannot simply if they do not respond to these to these statements and to this, these desires, yes washington, this is the first, the second, the chinese in turn have also stated that if the united states of america...crosses the red lines, then there will be ay-yy-yy, and this is rather reminiscent of all these 101 chinese warnings, but again - after all, no one has drawn these red lines, no one knows the specific red lines and what they consist of, well, obviously these are already concrete steps that will be directed against chinese banks, the chinese payment system or something similar, well, as an option, you can consider, of course, strait of malacca, own at the time, the americans in the early 2000s conducted such an experiment, when
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the strait of malacca could be blocked, and essentially all chinese exports stop in the china, south china sea. so, there may be a lot of debate around this, but the words have been said, i think now we have to watch the actions of washington and beijing. i would like to talk to you about the next one. the so-called stage of relations between russia and iran, a new level of relations, this is what the official representatives of these two states said, speaking about the actual deepening military cooperation, what can it be and how does it threaten our state? well, first of all, of course, everyone is concerned about the delivery of aircraft, yes, that is, we understand that the story with the delivery of these aircraft has dragged on for at least a year. that one of the key reasons why the russians delayed the delivery of aircraft, although this agreement was and
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seems to be, the money was allocated for it. is that there are agreements between russia and israel and, accordingly, this parity, which provides for the non-supply of offensive weapons, court 35, of course, this is also an offensive weapon, iran, accordingly, israel did not support. ukraine, if this story somehow changes, we will also see in the near future, because now there is a lot of information on this topic, and the iranians will definitely tell about it, that is, they will not keep it a secret, then they should change accordingly relations between israel and er russia may or may not change, that is, here in this case. may refer to another agreement that the russians turn a blind eye to the passage of israeli planes in
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the territory of syria, that is, when they strike at the positions of the iranians, or at the positions of hizbullah or other iranian corps groups on the territory of this country, that is, in this case, and regarding the very fact of deepening cooperation, well, it is obvious that this also... was quite predicted, taking into account the fact that the rapprochement of iran and russia is inevitable against the background of russia's war in ukraine and against the background of, essentially, a hybrid war between israel and iran, and in this case it can already be said for sure that there are only small things left for so that actually between these two countries... a corresponding pact was concluded, which could fix a new level of relations. and in principle, if we talk about
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these relations at the level of resistance to the west, we can say that there is such tripartite coordination at the level of iran, china, and russia, because there are joint military exercises, but joint political coordination is at the level of tehran, beijing, moscow? i think it exists, and maybe it is not, well, it is not recorded, obviously. obviously, that is, so that we can already talk about a real pact, but coordination without a doubt exists, well, at least at the level, at the level consultations, you can definitely say that such... consultations are taking place, what is happening now in the turkish-american third, recently recep tayyip erdogan met with ismail haniyeh, the leader of hamas, this is absolutely such a demonstrative meeting, i would say, and along with that erdogan did not go to the united states, there is no official explanation for this, but it is said that this is an attempt to protest, at least from
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a public point of view, against the vote of the us congress on the allocation of aid to israel. we're here to help of ukraine, but we understand that aid to israel is also a very important political factor. yes, without a doubt. i think that, well, at least that's how they interpret his trip, in the turkish press, in the arab press, that is, they emphasize that one of the key reasons is the vote, the vote for aid to israel and the veto on... palestine on the creation of a state in the un security council. that is, we can actually state that turkey is now de facto, if it were to take the side of those states that are currently israel. in that case, what place
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do you see turkey in the next time, or is it just some kind of political demonstration? no, turkey is not fighting israel, that is an exaggeration. turkey demonstrates its position, and this position remains unchanged for a long time. in fact, all along, let's say the netanyahu government, or most of the netanyahu government, we have seen exactly this turkish position. well, there was a deterioration of relations, you know. it was a long time ago, that is, back in the zero years, when the israelis attacked a turkish ship, and therefore there is nothing new here, yes, this is a position, a position accepted by the majority of the turkish population, and actually erdogan is quite comfortable with this position, the fact that other, well, let's say, there,
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partners are not ready ... to accept this position, erdoğan does not avoid it, that is, he, in principle, can normally demonstrate his independent, independent position on this issue, since there is no clear and unambiguous position on palestine, including among nato countries and either in the midst of this war or among the west in general, but from another point of view on the other hand, we see a situation where now erdogan... has to justify himself to the more radical islamic public in turkey for the fact that he, while criticizing israel , does nothing economically to weaken it, so without a doubt, well, this is a political internal political struggle, we know , that this is a new party of bla blahodenstviia, which, actually, is now gaining points and gaining votes and,
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in addition, bites off these votes in the first place , that is the act of protisis. it is clear that they want to make their political capital on this, and therefore, it is obvious that their policy, their strategy is to raise this issue in society and to criticize the current government precisely for turkey's unwillingness to directly influence this conflict in any way, and that is why i think that certain demonstrations of such and such a position on the part of erdogan, not least under the influence of the growth of these islamic radicals. today is actually two weeks since iran attacked israel. mr. igor, in your opinion, what is the further development of these events, is there a possible escalation in the near future
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at times, will everything quiet down and be in the positions that are, which are now? well, yes, we can spend many dates here to name three weeks as israel attacked the consulates, two weeks as iran attacked israel, one and a half weeks as israel attacked iran, and so on. so, now there is a certain strategic pause, because at least iran has to solve the issue with its air defense and aircraft, that is , it is absolutely necessary for it, and without this they ... are not ready to further escalate the situation, and accordingly gather their allies , how far these allies are willing to go with him to the end, or at least to its logical conclusion. of the conflict, it will be political, political support, whether it will be military support, or it will be some other, it is combined support, that is, it is very
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important for iran, because they do not feel confident, including even in the support of russia and china, yes, on the one hand, there is no doubt that political consultations are taking place, and it seems that they actively support iran in words, but we understand that in... there are much more interests, and china invests, much it is more interesting for him to invest money in saudi arabia than the same iran, well, russia , accordingly, also has problems, and a war on two fronts, in this case, is probably not the best option for russia, and making israel an enemy, that too, probably not not very a good prospect for moscow, that's why everyone hesitates, and the iranians hesitate too, well , israel, among israelis, israelis also
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have a lot of different opinions, there is a radical wing in the government, there are ultra-nationalists who demand the end, well, victorious, of course, the end of the war in gazi, then wars to the left. then iran will be next in line, there is netanyahu, who is trying to hold on to power, who is being pressured by the ultra-orthodox and, accordingly, the ultra-right, well , there is a society that is a little removed from the shock of october 7 and is trying to ask some questions of the government, so there there is also no clear clear agenda, well, i'm not talking about pressure. on the part of the united states of america, which gives weapons and money with one hand and oppresses with the other. thank you, mr. igor, igor samivolos,
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director of the center for middle eastern studies, we were on the air, now we will take a break for just a few minutes, but don't tune out, we still have an interesting dialogue ahead of us, we hope there are discounts on vizin 20. in pharmacies, plantain for you and savings, there are discounts on linex forte capsules, 15% in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. sergey gurec is with us, but what is the world living on? and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening,
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please. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the pig. oleksandr morchyvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to the line, chechnya for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of prydeshni, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together are stronger. the football format
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changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional match analysis, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate it. a detached view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict from serhiy rudenko every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 at espresso. continuing the saturday political club
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and we're back after a short break, we have 50 minutes to chat with vitaly portnikov, actually on some of the most important topics of the week. so, mr. vitaly, we have already started talking, in principle, with valery chaly, regarding this agreement or agreements that were published in the divelt newspaper. yes, nevertheless, i would like to discuss it with you and really understand what it was, it was really, relatively speaking, some draft project was, yes, is this, relatively speaking, some kind of russian injection, and was this possible in principle in 2022, and is it important, maybe in principle now, look, we have
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to discuss with you in... all these projects , to understand how russia generally views the former soviet republics, and how it generally views the negotiation process between them. russia considers the former soviet republics to be countries with conditional sovereignty, that is, in fact , the territories of russia itself, which for incomprehensible reasons withdrew from russia with the help of measures that need to be reversed sooner or later , by and large. i don't know if you watched this series that was filmed by the anti-corruption fund about the 90s, so there are no chekists in this seminar series, who by and large believed that after the communist party of the soviet union ceased to exist , sorry i'm going that far, they have to take over the country and they have by and large since 1991. by 2001, this
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power was not only completely taken over, but also consolidated, but they never intended rule only in the russian federation, because they always believed that it was the state security committee of the soviet union, of course in this situation they believe that they should rule the entire state, the one that was ruled by the communist party of the soviet union, they feel cheated, they had such a wonderful plan, to destroy the communist party apparatus, to come to power, to create a market economy in such a way that... to take all the money for themselves through their avatars, the so -called russian oligarchs, as a result they only have a part of the territory, and they also lost a part of the territory in europe, well , the territory from which you could scare the europeans, give them such, you know, round eyes, well, by and large, they have been since 2001, notice this , they started a whole
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cascade of special operations in order to... remove all of this from their hands, chain mail, ugh, whatever the story with the supply of ukrainian weapons to iraq is not proven by anything, it finally isolated president kuchma, remember, when even the president of the united states would not sit with next to him at the table, yanukovych, in order to bring his agent to power in kyiv on thursday. year, then in the 10th year, then in the 13th year to break the association agreement, the annexation of crimea, well, we know all this, so what the idea might look like, well, how to say, agreements with such a country, very simple, it is necessary to prepare such documents that will lead to destabilization of the situation and will help to get rid of the authorities that do not
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want to... still make the necessary compromises, but remember how leonid kuchma's rule ended in 2004, he signed an agreement on common economic space with russia, belarus, kazakhstan. in fact, ukraine already had one foot there. it was the final. and why did lyon wid kuchno sign this agreement? because there was a successful special operation to isolate him in the west. he realized that he would not be able to conduct a pro-western course. yes, by the way, here i completely agree with you that ... the early kuchma and the late kuchma, this, kuchma in the middle, and the very late kuchma, yes, who left russia, went west, maneuvered, and then again came to kremlin, but it's all thanks to these special operations of the villains, as it were not the maidan of 2004, i assure you, we have been there for a long time.


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