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tv   Al Jazeera World Rebel Writers - Palestine and Syria  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the the . ringback the hello there, i'm still here today in the hall with the top stories here on out was here. these really military has expanded its ground operation in the southern most areas of the gaza strip. desperate families have been feet fleeing from eastern rasa off to another is really order. these really ami says about 300000 palestinians have left the area. how correspondents are a couple isn't, isn't there a while on has more on the forest about to ations. the grim reality in a rough line. other parts of the gaza strip, new military. oh, it is being passed to your residence in the central areas of rough by saying that
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this area is no longer safe, and residents must flee from a touch areas that are marked to be as a site as completely back. those are now people regarding that started to back their items and slowly looking for areas they do not have any such in place as specific to go to box. they just, they leave without any certain specified lawn. ah, so the, the departure they start to look for place as the entire trip has become completely overcrowded, with civilians from milwaukee to different bella coast a la on sash day 2, at least the bodies were taken. tell us the hospital in the by 8 children were among the dead. nearly $35000.00 palestinians have been killed since october and, and just the past few hours because of health ministry said it's an uncovered ac bodies from 3 mass graves found inside a section of the ashi from medical complex. it says many of dig zoomed bodies belong to patients who were denied access to health care. all the un has ones that
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unless israel allows fuel into garza, the few remaining hot specialist will be forced to shut down because it generates as will fast food and medical supplies are also dwindling. and a trucks have been denied access to the strip for a 6th day. united states has israel may have a violation of international humanitarian law in gaza, while using weapons supplied by america. the state department has published a long ways and review the use of us weapons by israel's army and gaza on it's not been curious since israeli forces killed out. is there a john this trina walkway in the occupied westbank had happened while she was reporting on an as randy on the raid and the janine refugee camp. despite the evidence, no one has been held to account for had collect 2 people has been killed by russian shells and you cranes and will faced them khaki region. the local governance as the
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town of of chance, which is that some 5 kilometers from the russian border was targeted on friday, out of the rest on home and has moved from cheese. it was in the early hours of friday morning. the russian forces of balls to cross the border, i mean to north, east and ukraine in the heart of keith region. now this region is especially important because it has ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep the city. and this a box and offensive wasn't just on the ground. it was also with an aerial bombardment. there was at villages and towns being evacuated as well on the front line on the hawk chief region. what president below them is the landscape view crane said, was the now you craning defenses, a holdings, but the a fee is $5.00 to was being full families and mexico. i'll protesting against the lowering of the official number of people. the class is missing. the government's latest figures cuts the number from a 113-0028 few of them, 13000 companies. so it's
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a political move ahead of elections next month. 7 top cushion, india has grown surveillance and jails opposition lead to and chief minister, the capital in new delhi of in kendra was arrested in launch on corruption charges . his temporary release allows him to campaign in the general election that's now underway. flash floods and i've kind of stone, has killed at least a 150 people and then old in babylon, presence with our as you say, the flooding was caused by heavy seasonal rains. and most people, unsurpassed. environmental activists in germany have tried to stall on the factory owned by electric call and make a tesla they want to stop the expansion of the factory, which is next to a protected forest. although the headlines i'll be back with one use for you here of to alger 0 wild revel, right is stay with the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the literature. some of the most viewed items i called the co is sometimes criticize or sorry to attack governments in highlighting justice. so the
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life of an airport can carry the risk of arrests in prison and exile as pulls the case with wayne please. he was born in 1928 into a prominent family in guys who went on to champion palestinian resistance in the 19 fifties and sixties. when goes on was effectively controlled by egypt. he was do using egypt as a direct result of his radical left. we wouldn't mind sharing one. i mean why she asked you what shad shadow get even had in that you my little 91 with elected. i'm just getting know had one i kind of don't see it then. sorry about that in the us when they send me to send me what, what any and says you might not hijacked in hack in the household?
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well, we just said the young. well, the oldest susan was vba. wild blue beverly put a buzz, worked on, and then the side of the band medical buzz, 5 of us almost 100 bucks. what else being i love the fact. yeah, i mean, so to the lot i'm doing it to when you go ahead you can still use the bottom vocab was with them and then you can, you can use mission is just phasing in depth like in the front of the unfit. go to one on the hospital for a cut of an idea, and then i'm concerned for susan ketchup out of her positions on catch up a little bit. it could be unwind natural. well, how bully went on is that it come about up to a no more, you know, but um, with that level of thought a while. yeah. and then it was something that the ice fee, what kind of hard, the didn't with another they've been they've had a gun with that in mind. you must the little know,
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have the, be the highest ever share some of those what the he and i, the audio and i left the unit the doesn't did the little me and at a show where you kind of what, but use one of the of them again, it doesn't. what do you do that these, can they ask you for the most i've ever said i've narrowed it down as the assembly . what kind of a mobile off at the new tides you'll be advocacy in minnesota is i've got that, wow. j. i mean, is this item the cat with that kind of the estimate on a in a c it. then you hear that, what can i get this stuff that's from back, the estimate like what i feel, i'm not gonna fool cut out whole with them. i did them, well, we estimate it. let's see. it has been here now, but that, yeah, something that well, but the more and the more end up, sir. so mostly,
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but i will keep that. but the chevy that the young bloomers share. what the mazda also? because what i mean, yeah, i'm out of which samuel from so out of the, what about the young sure had the key to about the chevy team and you're left for the streaming. you do also some of the call the do you have the thought uh well, uh, well ellipses will love view of, of the little demo muffin little stuff and i'll tell you the look. i'm not sure, but i'm not sure as i've had the bulk of the what was sort of the have to move a the like if somebody took the shipment a sure and any kind of the high at them or, and if this was the other one, you know if you're not hundreds and seen them much, i mean, not, i look up,
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i see you just had not come back, you know, many hours. i mean how i fear it's, you know, a standing order streaming that new. i mean as far the and how do you get that and to be that last so the means you there and he has a hierarchy that doesn't have to long island away a d, me. and you're going to then, how my lawyer, the well, if you had the thought of the, just the shadow on my way back to what the, just so the, the, like the oh well the one shandey. i'm off for how to of what's, i mean? what's the, and i'll come see what some of the one in monica. well let's go to them and have the one closer to the shore. and the con, i'm so comfortable for them. i can, you know, see if they can really see, let me see, let me see, let, let's just, let's, oh yeah, let's because i know who give their wonder in the middle of
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the set up and, and, and i'm, and then as i like, ok, maybe something heavy again the i'm done with the how do i the project now to the end of the key? yes. you most of it looks i me with new will come see why that you as a, i mean i'm with that a reason why i'm them a do was so when the end of the i was all i let him liberty is coming sick of and why so, you know, so he then mind upstairs. so while a, a has us and that's the in a hassle style. but we have not, you know, which a has a and when he began really, he lived in the judge either my husband at apple would that show peebles or had a woman and had hung up on me. i wouldn't have to thought i'd gotten the see the
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hard the left the machine, not the door. hey about okay. how yeah, we have that right. i gotcha. i'm fixing an image of the hub is to get filled out and what color it jot that day. i need to city and then when i come on i to hack the legend where and can i move forward and well share. i don't want my move, but where is the one that has the whomever caps the time it in the english as well as the any, any of the other one is going to come? so i'm seems to have that mattress has a lot of that and it's, it's been a lot of the sort of more and see. so what if the, for the wine, see, i don't know how to, why i sort of the one that are in i and then x death. not all the way each good. yeah, and there is emilita problem 10 of the most of the fuse or what does that it can if it could be a facility, because i only know how to cut this. i'd be kind of a little hack. and the 2nd in i was done that was that,
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that had been hacked in my love with them and how some of the have yourself a, you just said the young was on the old, the after susan us, i'm in model. i think there's always that the whole, so i, buddy, that's a decision had to be a one model that's a little in the setting and how to be i got that match. what was your partner? shut that off. the list hadn't met shania and upload yet. and how can we, i was just for allow meeting or leslie and to show you that vision to a pass for the whole flat to use clip. i do bring that and then with the data i'm in the gym and i sent in some of somebody else who is about i'm seeing a level last night i do, i have a flat fee, you have to buy for usage. and i knew i had to see this message in the middle of
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the large windows vision light on the edge of saw me out the window said the a let me use a less than on a be a lot of thought of how the how about the feelings and mine of sense what kind of a decision, a decision and oh yeah, tension of a and marietta will have a little had this organization once again. sorry. the have any more sense? we're holding you back. look i'm i haven't possibly you that you know, i'm the number one now and so for the here well i cannot, will call you to me and i mean that when, oh my god, no, see up until the shadow, not a few minutes. now i'm back in the center the to
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the, the north took left usage on ogden lesson. let them know of the fact he was most of the view and, and share the and the i'm the engine optimization there to body any is a minimum, a lot of be a while i is how many, how long it will understand after yes, i see it in a deep so i'll see you to share in the last year. yeah, i mean, so have luck with your you know, i mean, why a dynamic columbus and let's see how this publish. yeah. you know, i mean, why in the new card was i in, i've been nicer. yeah, shamela, my service done, the most of them the sold will. if i lose, you know, if you had the, some of the, sorry, somebody to walk. but when it's who can i better? i'm up a little at, in the shop. if i'm seeing the other ones you know more. what about cartoon
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frontier, the wichita falls into many let in sand, and i'm a court the be it when they sit elected, you need that and those are the yeah, the shadow, whining of cecil c. sherry, he took the sub sort of shadowy. yeah. the color of the, the to be s, can just, you know, a quarterly or what a, c o m, i know, we, yeah, well, i level can, uh, while the month to month a. so or send me a month or something to have these go share to you. and then in sam egypt, cassia once um on the order of health vehicle number one of the other on your phone call, even though the jim a he of value done. i'm more than i a sure one moment i have to hey yeah. i left you a yeah, that's good to you. i'm going to now. so i'm going to shut off
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the employee demo. it looks to be a highly monica, the. the gun out there, the cost of who the pleasure to go when was that the deal putting fee, allowing them to me on that and then the whole sort of the available gun that the go to your calculator. definitely a lot of the village at the demonic well and look at most of them. and they had, they had a coffee there. he had that these that, that amount of we at or a general with one for the a. and these are available last level, which means they will not be shot. you have to move them to see how soon does that affect the minutes and the show and no problem in this. when i ask if i'm not in this box them as i say, and then that's where i'm in a row. so i figured i'll see you even legit when
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someone have stuck with me is that the and that is that i had submitted that badge you and yes, i mean that's not the who yeah. jim and then friday and that's my lovely stuff with the headset. how in a shot in the, in the stomach, how does it, can you send me the land instead of fine, i'm worrying of shameful and for shad and philistine and we'll call for you sure how to defer, you know, black and mobile. i mean how the shop did you have to be here? leah saw a lot of move out. uh yeah. and on fixing the issue, i just saw a know pod and when you know, we're in the portal and i can see the column, i can a few, i'm old enough to fix it. it's like in a nice so it doesn't mean the domain is for your daughter sewer. no more. let me see is well i know. so i'm somebody who if i'm going to pay i'm going to try monday. the numbers. my le ledger montgomery,
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i don't have the iowa. well i'm, i've had it. but at the williams room, no, i had each munitions and something and i'm sharing mine. and how should i know now that's the idea behind. and then at the spot, the assembly below, i do always set fact the yeah, neck i know is stuff dr. and tell me she can lead what after the full d, who and as i can hear, what i know and know cheryl casey, the interest in the demo and about an issue a and that can them. and you can know if that's how we gonna be at the dfcs office that coming out of model for them allows you to get to the extent of a c, a c in my us, a lot of federal hot air for the if you bought them in a while if how much of the mckibbin i will tie this list in? yes. a lot of fairly heavy smokers. ok? yes it is. yes,
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i can see you on the new ship then jane and the well i'm told her to laser in the ice and also a molar. if it has had in that in the item in the hot chick i can rain my partner. now you shall not talk to the dog who i get donald, then g button she's, you're not fat shot up. how did you not sure. because i knew that about in a have a month. well, i can tell the not cooling. yeah. let me more high, high to in the in know the huge on the best that the, the what does that little add them inside this little side difficult to enter them and ask them the 90, not even 10 times and then i have a month then that even the whole beach and i share a little lacking accomplishment on my humbly pull i have like yeah, died,
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right. and i'm going to react that mission is edge along to where and upset so. and then that split into my yes. what out of let's see about the milwaukee. well that can that wind upset, so let me i thought i was out on monday, but it's the model. i don't see him and he has an auto. we'll have that man. so jim, myself, see, yeah, it took me to bring my bad. it was dam mitsy. i'll see if mind upstairs and most of all the guns in lee and you know what? i have been much the high level fee for the jack. i found the most and soliciting looking is a little flat. yeah, dr. mesh chair. can you do? yeah. you will need. i may. if she does not get double the she moved shell the way that cam aside. maryan of cecil to,
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to do math and allowed the mean little that to the i'm why should i talk to share in the most of the here to chevy the to show what all, what have down why am i get them back? i've shown are getting heavier lat fit. don't know what kind of cisco a sofa and, and what's the heavier way of doing that? yes, don't of the yet. i'm you guys are lemming some soon on the slide. the. well, i mean those are the mean very loud. ones and the sort of incentives spinney when he very young buddy i'm and you say you see the green villa mean the things that you know, you know, i'm a and that'd be the data on how to shop. yeah. the edge i little i'm a, the m m m m a c. i'm a photo of them for the city. you know what i'm from? so i haven't even looked at as you mentioned,
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i should have to. yeah. she beta, she yeah. hire, we can resolve shopping when i can see how to go up on you know, fee and without talking. well, i mean and does extra the, when the next billing failed. hell do that. i let me see. well, if i to go to the the, the tenants in the money and did that, then i saw they have some coffee. one us up in nevada, let me, i thought i got it. it said that the little funny it was somebody in that the, i'm gonna be a little more and it says, look, none of them's and was a little column. i wouldn't want all the csc in on an odd. well, the head though, so you have to hire the last night in the country. ash,
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my said that it is that which denny, and on a catastrophe, can i you? again, in one of these was i said, i then the one in one chip devices that i sent this 3. hey, if i add salt that lives out of simple lives up. well we, i, that's cool. and it was good this before they knew, we'll see who saw the higher the yeah, i can. yeah. and also be defended that connectivity and fees on the hook it up to see the mistook it. and he said it was under the same number from the divorce, even if people hot. but if, if he didn't want you to a 100, you might have to let the can do it or how i'll hear them. i can let the, how the high minus is what if i p i left if i had to do july and what, but that be able to have these kind of matters. one way to get him started the elliptic and we'll see what we've done. we've got to be able to, as,
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as mr. more to him, a hold with him on some of the, i'm on the policy done. we're start over again at the end. if you could let him know that would you know me? i'm, i don't see the li engine deal isn't. are any in the me a call to you here in the next to i know what is the media? how do you nash format in the yeah, the for me get the had them call me in fact i'm, i guess meaningful as you know the shot the, the mine upset so that the whole is a human available for what was the thought of him for this thing the, let me have them and i'm, i'm with them. we have to, they're both on, can i add them and the, all that, you know, that's what can see it on mac, i'm a, you mazda who saw him a whole would that always? well, for the whole, so now we'll do it as a. so another job you know, does, uh, what's the ad zoom okay. i look that up in the face of
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the an ad in saturday for a new show kind of gets to show you how you know, how it is and the zip there. i should back and we're doing an value for initial back on the sally. i mean, the out of the school will have the way she's got chocolate, the new i don't know the can even my own sound. we would each about the condition with less that you don't come to napkin or feed the find it. i mean, the next question is can be and, and seen lots on the loss of the rain feelin half in despair of i'm in
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the hall and now you don't know how may i know the distance the to that is a new man. uh, i definitely will see that that was fun enough choir, the 992. so and this your new role in that to con room, it does the little and coordination of a scan and municipal memory of car. then most of the, some of the federal combination a who, who's totally following when and why now you should come next. here you'd be or have you had any issues getting then we'll head me just fine to end that you're not stuck. that worked well. anything,
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check out what happened. all right guys. i mcmurray g, h a y. what may eddy? and that's in the palestinian writer. and maureen, please coming up in port to the rebels writer who 1st use the term nick about or catastrophe, to describe the founding of israel and the violent displacement and disposition of palestinians. in 1948 on tuesday, it was a writer that's also headed. the secret group that floated revolutionary change, the and i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis the so comply take. now what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that day. they technology failed us
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selling and testing with things being jobs as we speak these really speak is there are every homes know we're giving each going finish and know the fact that each route is at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing on the east coast, nothing yahoo success and may be better, maybe was but it's the one has to address that systemic problem. stay with us for the latest developments on out just sierra to zeros here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt? how many other channels can you say will take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas? of course, we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how this finds, the young man has regions and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we care straight in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war to remain on the lounge wide is placed it in
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a fluid. now i do this, see, they are literally the sense of taking time on 101 east meets the solomon islands some time to escape a war that ended decades ago on the to hello again. i'm just don't see it hand or how with the headlines here on entre 0. these really military has expanded its ground operation in the southern most areas of the gaza strip. desperate families had been fleeing from ralph on south, off to another. is there any order? he's really on. he says about 300000 palestinians have now left eastern. rafa correspondents for a couple of room is in darrell ball on has well on the 1st evacuations. the grim reality in a real fund. other parts of the gaza strip new military owed is being passed to the
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residents in the central areas of roof. last stating that this area is no longer safe, and residents must flee from a such a areas that are marked to be as a say as completely back. those are now people regarding that started to back their items and slowly looking for areas they do not have any set in place. has specific to go to box. they just, they leave without any certain specified lawn. uh so the, the departure they start to look for place as the entire trip has become completely overcrowded, with civilians from milwaukee to devons black coast. early on saturday, at least 30 ponies were taken to lock the hospital in the bala, 8 children were among the dead. nearly 55000 palestinians have been killed since october. and in just the past few hours, because of the health ministry says it's uncovered ac bodies from 3 mass graves found inside a section of the aisle sheets and medical complex. it says many of the exempt
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bodies belong to patients who are denied access to health care. it's now been 2 years since has really forces killed al jazeera john. this julian of walkway in the occupied west bank. it happened while she was reporting on the news really ami rate in the janine refugee account. despite the evidence, no one has been held to account for hi kelly. to 2 people hasn't killed by russian shells and new kinds northeast and khaki region. the local government says the town of chance, which is less than 5 kilometers from the russian border was targeted on friday. flash floods, the kindest on has killed at least a 150 people. and the northern background province with our to say of the flooding was caused by heavy seasonal rains. and most people that were unprepared. well, those are the headlines. i'll be back with a news out for you here on out a 0 off the pot to
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a rebel right. is the one historical tempting of the palestinian cruise was neither palestine nor listed in teams. the key from the greek orthodox christian family in syria. he was a revolutionary arab nationalist 1st and rebels, lighter later when his room was founded in 1948, something was the 1st white through the teachers, the arabic cord, neck, or catastrophe, describes explosion over around 700000 policies from there and so easily. only the how you play many, yet the highest, the kind of the must be of the the low may use,
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the costs are really bad. if you show me lot the know i have the height, anybody to send me who am i, sees a seaman who needs to say how you mean? see, i didn't say it was a little bit to me the month to come and see how all that is. and i'm assuming she was a very bad the tell you the when the, when to do really this channel can you have to do much to do with the i'm the mother of 60 s. c will come to me is what the for will, who will be automatically for therapy. the marshal can see tiers to advocate for to the you only, you can who we are on the mountain wireless. other single can, can you the, the on the stomach fee or who have the bad solution. also many with the who the start model for them. see where the english
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a lot of cock cobra in looking for the thought. see, well, before the start muffled on, i've got a co, me an old elite. oh my god, i throw him. i see the most for the, for the americas low to be in the how do you, how to get available? like can do much, can it's a good idea and it love it that there's a mafia, a lot will be well mine, this is sold out how to be of some, jo, suffice the love for the a good life cause the be for a lot of the was told me, you know, how to be of the dna dollars, how to the what the ocean to see us if you the, you know, sure. well, that's of why you, the full, the,
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the lady can shut it up. there's all available taking the assembly i media co a month if i thought space will kind of how will it, how will you be is our little a, you'll be why, why that is the start? did you, i did not a, you'll be getting a connection was on the how with a new use less than 2 to assume a sit on what the monkey and the heck they do, sir. i the know you for then we are, we are never who to can on do much. it will be on the window will of 2 sided. much will need to hawaii the, the that the stuff that i mean has the, the something is that a little bit and i can see. so if any of them were still up in stickley the, the estimate the la solution there. yes he's, i'm out of them. it's the hand hand guessing. okay. in your, on your, i'm
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a little i know and on your comment this will best of it. it might have a look at for you $100.00 for ken ken with a for with a hard elective duty where i'm a theater, but it near for 30 slot for the in the back. it looked at her to use if had been who we should have been a young did for most a head to the phone with a week for so you might hardly, we didn't have the order and we're talking to you. we were to honda, princeton park in one before cool in the mean, but the news you want my, how little going to jim, i'm the little nation. i'm and not the comment have a to have to do is, well there's an artist is young, you know her last you don't learn when he can do my new steinman. heard them mention the hunter, illumination, illness, and i'm putting them in. i'm in here. cool. most of what mile know here we would have is dim and she really into bit when you get into the country for gift, with one case went up. so it was some spots us any kind of thought about fish. i'm
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out of america. the know who i should use any can yes, from an adult all means i'm out. spring storm, a limited key. what about the on the saturday and lead to the head. this kind of what's on the bottom uh it is german, empty. cuz as some euclid in the states, i'm side pushing my limits, key again, dear document, what to the mouth to not be shown, or you didn't read with was kind of a boat on shim a. you should be my, you know, shelter. she may sort of the candle young to debate small by or can your computer hit that it a good and i go to the gym. h r lisco sturbridge every year to lead. you start home a note,
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let alone have him. the heads of what had been general empty. the love in jimmy had to go down the heart of the you for wish i didn't know for stuff any her, the hot, the you how, what of home or where you're trying to home, jani, you a whole now let's, we can just call me a lot of the defend elijah may still not on the car that you bought a new had the gym. 8. he and jim a let me in jim. i said have you how well no, not shopped on his car been shot. should email you back in the shop, call me in the shop called me out of the how what uh when was the shop? do you have the the bottom of the of the law bottle to pop up, elijah mary. yeah, those g and it has home matters do those. he likes to be in mind that that are but
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we will have the i'm going to little bit of minus cs wide in eh, come in. uh yeah, i need the 100 belong minus she is. she did move last year, b is hard of getting there in a lot of the use of the ship to can to cover not annoying who are what scan, what am i on the island vision. my way again was on my level, the usual. ok to me when with and had only a for do i bid 16 result and bull heck, where usually you're undergoing therapy secretary when we, when you go here to the, the room and sees in the store and share the store and they had the who had a had the whole body of the heart of the you mean the stuff or what the how do you use and the injection. well then we and then we some, a lot of the you can add to making some money off of their teammate where she had not any in the might be on the,
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on how long has obsessively looking to move the lead was she has all any upcoming someone off of that team that dana and how many of the work for 10 mother is. and that means that you have a need a shed to look at the have lenient and keyboardist and miss out what asia goodness. so to let the for good luck on the little she'll be doing, johnny thought, few, why are they fully you for and see the how solid lot of the, the model english belie at all for those think and his little from a study sci fi still in english, the or free how to do for all you want to you sleep on the us a little out of pompous possible on the bus. i had also told him, the delilah. no, i forgot to be lee. can i have the, the, the, the something a little i'm just gonna zip up overall. yeah,
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i never did the attack. you know how to be negative. did that be here? and the way the left side of the head though, again, joe, i'm definitely here to stop here to generate the senate. so to, to, to send them officially, you know, if i was thinking mission and you had one of the leaves all the, we will do. so he went to the follow stay. and so it almost started us citizen south to the team and solo from the city of cobra. and event was that's how you say them, they both come to that kind of me fall asleep and call you my nation. been seen this, your them a distinct double out the self the use of it and no matter how early on missouri so that i'm going to see see, and softly that lean. what that leave, what that would be, what those were, something that how costly the construct that last can come to solve because of it
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was on the i'm a silly one of them. one will suddenly can mahoney them the heavy the see last and it was it the show what again, what i'll do with how to get out of these. so what i said to show you how follow steve? so let's go to, let's see, what is the mad button last, who knows? so put something heifer mark and inside of it will definitely be much more alpha city to come most of my studies in a deep. oh, that's all of them. the mom will go. he did a hell of a day. we'll talk to him about the staff with the 3. well, 10, b, b, b, b, all sorts of seamless. i met from matthew how to essentially look, man was sort of your fellow student will at all lower will help us of things like who even this really no need to barbara can on the theater. i can do for the next year, and it's in the 30 it after the natural enough to been hired to be a very they are what they are. what paid the chic dear side. what home she at the
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feet alondo can any machine and who is the canyon should duty on? yeah, let's have to have that again one that'd be 3 on the again, you're activated and who will as a means or what, how do i need my she has some sort of reindeer of human human to family there abuse and what pacified are limited to you so you, when you come on the door, i knew we had is on the, i know it's timing, some sort of rain in the, the, the house on sunday that will be the way to, to be the will to who believe vanya, for the, how to, how do i let me, little bit of a lot of really if you all my you know what you fall. yeah. the how's the decided to raise and hopefully he'll be thought i'd be sure to see if you know, or the, and all the huskily,
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these are all on the left and how to because the board and the house on some to do have to be and especially the model, the model, the features that issue, the honey gayla, and if the leak was ready, so cool man was on his soda. i live in lazy, cool, that offer. leslie? well, no worries. i will feel much mom and i bought somebody over the buzz that'd be out about the bulk of the field. jason is totally on. yeah, i made the easiest or somebody at the bottom of that up. we'll see. so that then you want us to somehow we pull it, i uses i'm, are you bought what the something is right? i'm at somebody house the door. it could be a should then if you had a kid, maybe some sort of mice will have a lot of in 2nd. how many you, why have you felt that i, that america and i live in their opposite moody? well thought of the inducement, the, let me know that i, how do i get that? i see the lenny is yes, that'd be the will be the thought of feet. man being the go on. hey the,
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but tell you how to, how to be done. that billing lease really and again, all on a $130.00 be and all the, most of the sites that a lot of, of the whole measure the, the she, the either dealing they can as it how do i gosh, it slipped article 0 the both of the auto mall, review the site, or is it there on the ceiling? easy it going? fairly close on a nutritionally basic emotional today at all. i got me actually, i know the how about the other the other has even how to just you little actually just sold a nice what, how do i have a built off little symbol besides my all to see i could be, you know, in the middle of the pole is the best of the boxes are, was this the gun was used for? can i live in a cellar shop? see, i'm a mess. like i thought the t was any yet. how does it mean the heli anomaly? the old me but how to get out of use. swear usually and so have them in their la my
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little and she is. she was or the the, the i'm a good fit potentially. i mean, i can do, ma'am, over the duties of the had the home and what the notion if he had was at the, in the city who, marty, 50 thirties, he did leave the skier, but most of the water will your shipping lot. a lot of them on it will start them and he get for credit, then they'll feel how call that we sold the whole boatley. i'll hold on that. but not sure, of course, on the difficulty of the roof, i know what the loss or of them or know the do you a little hold on a lot of be well trouble ticket the co me the bill hold on the one hesitated monday . difficult a legal no fuck, what are you like? and what is the model? the model is um i need who work on the, on the had up the, the with the how will that? yeah. hey mike,
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who's on my side of the key. let's the show you on public. i left it cut out so you want to you would be before us the end, the month on thoughts? no, no, no. i've told you that that is not a problem. so you'll need a bundle children. how would that and these are billing with somebody who did the falsely well then was done on the fema bought in the syntax. i'm using an ottoman that they have amanda nichol that and again, the young are the is to stay in what you mean. look year the nothing between since the live those when feet of you be to table on mine, i'd like to be the and know the us about the q to but, and that could be the way the because a how the, you know,
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how to be. yeah. most the unlikely event that we should focus will do in the lives of like we've also seen the why not like to be out of the plum as it's monday. the stuff that must be on one and keep that heat. it can be month to month, but i'd love to something is what it is and keep the seattle done and the own little button. i keep that mine and macbooks laptop about an okey tab and id and look and see what it was set up. it's meant a lot of mean what about the depth see see the um, no on. and then the says dennis and then call them between boss on the sides. so if you see a line i might have had a test. so you only understand that if you let him know the level as the setting of degree. yeah, well, i'm also setting out a schedule yet. while i'm us us as c a c a on a pallet and then the me a set called it off. i left us on
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don't know the issues with well the, the sound like the most of the time, a significant with a new quote and that's what i needed onto him. i'd be much. can you send me a too much of a sudden i get a not let the much the fitness with the home i, jeremy i, we never assess. it can hate the. it wasn't an issue a year to better assist. c u t be not and wish them out. we'll see for what us dialing with a don't letting the band loud or be by then what came up that feeling? uh sir. so with the club the ship lead, definitely jewish. i understand. well, since they look, i'm super that they'll come see the terminals are out. there's little dots. he says in i may have followed somebody your own the month about about a uh, multiple people do the fuck the how much loving the show for last getty, a bed is an error. well the, what about the bottle? but the low out of that, that dependable, they aren't hacked, i guess maybe in the love in the,
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in my show here to listen to be enough. see the estimate, the love way up. i saw the little below. i thought i the home like. and if you love this is leah, that'd be awful. i can you send that fee? it's 1st of all. so for some things that my, i'm a single thoughts sort of the end of the car. does that mean? what are the bod and chevy to walk about? to have above, it's a sort of you like, you know, i, li, i live in the city or the fold up rather than collab last got a yellow with the yet in the what is um, what is that the suit in the, to look members into the site and see a spa hot the on the must. cool. so how about the whole? well either a large on the, on any of the key feed that route the soon to ship, so from, so you can make through security. let's live here on a how did to storm a diem? just tell us, let me know what's the delay now let's just add it to some of them. do you that
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stop ottoman? no. chevy, cadillac? maybe jim had looked at him, but it is going to be like this in a sort of gen notices. you're my limited be updated for chris. so those are all sort of numbers jeremiah and emptied you start problem of lava. so the car would be if a lot you're making all right of the how. what about your major with thought side to negative for profit on or be who with the sugar low mccann. i'm used to the mission with someone else who can homo interfere in the system? can you stick to it or not? do me line a lot or we'd be seer my and share it was just at the time
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a message leah at feel. i'm a see what the allow me to thought you mean something is i have seen in a well in lima. so such a deal separately from the study, by the 50, if you sign up to administer the secret postpone theme is that then? then it will show sol? momma, the math. our cotton. mick. ma'am, i'm a neck of a show. i thought of harlem. lot of the, this was the, how about the must a set something up the, i'm one of the bob cutting dana and so when, when the happy fellow, who, by the, instead of come in march or may not be to seize my cousin to the city where the lot will be you and you can humble and know you don't seem to have a lot of the you will see a young and time with a lot of the leak in missouri to how to fiddle. and then we'll start off how to believe that the brothers they come from so they will throw on something that i love you,
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whether you love yourself of and how to what are be some of that when it is about 80. something now many a know has the last village up for you. uh uh, something is that i really can it either. i'm gonna live, hold on a bunch. look at a lot of the above the i'll do any of this route. healy healing up. buddy le costantino that most of the mental to be able to solve it will be in by the net to be the how does it does is though they won't see that he is about he is, i'm b y all equal something over i the next bill was somewhere around a good enough heat mcdaniel, a little walk old. let me use that as i'm of the to solve an additional 80. what can, can you him the when it should have to model. you know, he's off. you want us to get us. i have to for the city. i love the fuck the assessor. well,
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i know you are but blue mix of again how much it falls out and make them. that'd be a check on the left side. is there any way i can get our doctor? would he be to heck you between 9 and like double checked out about your husband. hard to be sure that it might be 995. so understood for the duke on that that looks like that. it may have to him was effective as much compute of a month less. where are you mostly limit, highly valued. the on the button is loaded up at the end of the see that that cuts out of the doctor plus i only jill any limit the had the last week. and the dispute on i'm seems silly. one at off that as a love of the bucket. the most up to the overall think if he a lot of system admin on my house on that can see shut off
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a post on teams that i never finished. his memoirs, which is 1948 book, the meaning of the knock that remains valuable. historical documents after the fall of the ultimate empire in world war one. and then the departure of the british and french opposition to science and was often uniting force in the arab world. in that sense, i believe has been kind of close the champs. in that case, the group is seen as being food for the palestinians who were expelled under nuns in the neck of 1948. still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with young,
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good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grandparents stay here? why aren't i here? returned to palestine on al jazeera there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and call him police, be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the the
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hell i fried there is yet more writing the full costs for those flood, hit pots of southern brazilian, see this line of plan? just stay around the, the southeast of the country. so while the system here, this one front will think it's way further south with introducing further right forwarding on the already saturated grad, exacerbating the problems that we have here assessed as a pretty wet day, sundays, even west. so she can see eventually as we go into that he possibly next week, it will dry up, at least for a few days. south of that, the rain does stretches way down across the river flight 15 celsius in point of service. most of that has plenty of sunshine around, so we get to the seasonal rates across northern parts of south america tend to have a lot of the showers coming through here. scattering a show assist extending across the north of best south america, then i think it will stay dry though for trinidad and tobago. most of use to knowledge and retry to little craft shows there around puerto rico, just found your last some cube and into jamaica one or 2 showers to just around the
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south of central america by the north. the weather, severe storms in the process of cutting away from the southeast of the us surprise us guys coming in behind from much of the east lobby showers through crap hop rest around texas. i'm typing up for sunday. the this part is exiled from a capital i lead a copy of which the month is set to run some precedence on the spanish region house elections. could his political risk, ton re ignite the separatist bed for independence and how it impacts space political landscape. catalonia election allowances era after controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, se, asia's largest economy. a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups.
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political power comes through the people. we're not going to be determined by for in none of this. the president alexis, indonesia, provo, sabean, so talks to l, just 0. the the color that i'm just off the attain, this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. palestinians pack the entire lives onto trucks for these really minute tree issues. and now the evacuation order for eastern rough on the wounded and the dead. i'll take him to be overburdened, i'll ox, a hospital in central garza,


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